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Over the past few years I've been hiding who I was to give my Major a life he deserved. Major was a handful but I was all in. I managed to get the hold of Jungled cash. I used the couple dollars to get little apartment. Major was in a decent school and I had even started going to school. Things have been better and with the past behind me, I felt good.

"Major! Come eat'" I yelled from kitchen. It was dinner time and Major was playing his video game and ignoring me. I had tons of studying to do and he was working my last nerves.
"Mommy I was in the middle of a important level. I can't focus if you screaming my name." Major said taking a seat.
"Boy I'll slap you into next week say that shit again. Like I said, come eat." I replied. Major was so much like me and his father I could kill him on most day's.
"Mommy tomorrow is a very big day." Major said eat some of the rice I made.
I knew it was his eighth birthday and I just wanted to mess with him so I acted like I didn't have a clue , when I got to the table.
"What's the occasion?" I laughed.
"My birthday silly."
"Oh really want you doing?"
"I don't know. Maybe we can go visit grandma and this time you can actually let me see Dad."
Major knew his dad but it's been my choice to keep him out of his life. I hate it but I can't let my son see me beat up and a mess like Raven. I refused. I do so much to make sure I don't have to be in that space again. But this is my son I'm facing.
"Look, I'll take you to see your father and only cause it's your birthday. But also it's time for you to spend time with him."
"Mom that's why you the best you always make me happy."
I had to make a choice and I did. I lived in Jersey not too far from home. So I had to prepare for tne awkward moment when I see him face to face after so long. But if Major was good I'm good.

The next morning we got up to go for breakfast at a food spot that Major loved. I had tons of gifts I got my son. It he was more focus on seeing his Daddy.
"How's your pancakes baby?" I asked.
"They are good Mom." He replied continuing to eat some more. I took him to few other places like GameStop so he get some games he wanted. Then we took a drive to see my mother. I hated coming home to visit my mom just by seeing all the same low-lives doing nothing. Just seeing it all over again made me sick.
"Hey Birthday Boy!" My mother said giving him a big hug. They had a great bond and I was just amazed at how far me and my mom have came from.
"Hey Grandma." Major said.
"What you doing for your birthday?"
"We had breakfast. Then we
went to buy some games and stuff. Now we here to see you and the biggest part is after I leave here." He explained.
"What's that ?"
" I'm going to see my Dad for my birthday."
"Wow. Mmm Really?" She looked at me. I had to brush that off and walked in the kitchen.
"Baby I left your gifts on your bed in your room go look them. I need to talk to Mommy."
"Okay Grandma."
She came in the kitchen and gave me a death stare thst nearly killed me.
"What are you thinking?"
"He needs his Dad. I got school and work and other things. Maniac was a horrible man to me. I know. But one thing about him he took care of his kids. I can't keep Major away his siblings and father cause I know how it really feels. It's his life Ill be messing up not mine."
"I font agree with this. But you do make a punt that boy needs his father but make sure the man is being a father and not a Maniac.

After having time spent with my Mother. I drove to where I heard he was staying and there long behold. It was the devil in the flesh. When I pulled up I saw Maniac and
Semaj on the front porch with all their kids together playing in the yard. major and I got out the car. Maniac stood up in disbelief that it was Major and I , in his presents after so long.

We finally made it to the front porch. I didn't know what  words to say. But Major knew just what he wanted to say.
"Hey Dad!" Maniac ran up to him and hugged him. Maniac being so hard up for a shocker to me , he  held in him even tighter.
"Hey Son." Maniac replied.
"I've been dying to see you but Mom finally brought me. I can't believe it's finally happening." Major jumped up with joy. Maniac and I just laughed. Then Maniac focused on me.
"Daddy did you know it is my birthday?"
Major asked.
"Yes I can't forget my baby boy turning 8 today. Can you go play with the kids then we can go with Semaj  to the mall to go shopping for your birthday."
"Wow thanks Dad. You
Are the best."Major ran away to join the other kids. It then got even more Awkward.
"So after years of ducking me you pop up? Why is that? Why you need money?" Maniac asked.
"First off I've been taking care of our son and myself without no help , damn sure not from you. Or anyone else. I ONLY came for our son." I explained.
"I'm about to go over there with the kids. I'll let y'all talk." Semaj got up and walked away.

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