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Its been crazy. I was beginning to constantly look over my shoulder. Even when I'm alone with the kids and I'm out it's a constant scared feeling. I keep thinking about Semaj. I want him close to me so bad to make feel safe. But being close to him, was the reason Trina wants  me dead. I never wanted this. I just fell in love with a guy I thought would never do me any more hurt or pain . While my mom had the kids for the weekend. I called Semaj over.

"Wassup baby's girl?" He asked.
"I've been thinking about you a lot." I replied joining him on the sofa.
"Oh really? Awww. You miss the kid?" He joked. Giving me a hug and a kiss on the forehead.
"What did I do wrong?" I asked. He looked at me with so much confusion but I just needed to know.
"What you talking about?"
"You and I went through shit but what did I do so bad to make you go back to Trina? Do you not know she mad that you came back to me? Why did you come back?"
"Look I don't give a shit about Trina."
"I know that but I need to know. What it was that I did so bad to have this shit happening to me?"
"Look you want the truth. The real deal about what I did?"
"Yes please."
"Look I never thought I would see myself without Trina. She had my son, my mini me. We wasn't supposed to split. But after all she put me through I couldn't settle for that. I gave her the world. She had that in the palm of her hands, but still didn't care about my feelings. I met you and found someone who took me for who I was and helped me to be a better man. She can't  stand to see me happy with someone else other than her. It's not you. It's her. She's always been trouble but I was stuck in love with her I never saw her for who she was."
"We have to end this bitch for good. I'm done with her games. I say if this bitch want smoke then let's give it to her. What's stopping us?" I asked.
"She ducking from us or ,are we the ones hiding?" Semaj replied.
"It seems like it. It's times when I can't be with my kids. Random cars following me and random shootouts. This shit is going on too long. This crazy bitch ain't seen shit get crazy yet."
I was over letting this bitch get ahead of me. I had to make a move with or without Semaj. I talked with him for bit then he left to go out with Maniac. The kids were coming home later so I had to start dinner.
"Mommy I want a princess birthday party with a crown and a pretty pink dress like a princess Princess said while eating at the the dinner table I walked over to take a seat and eat with them and began to laugh. One thing about my daughter she knew how to go all out like her mother.
"Oh really?"
"Yes daddy said I can have whatever I want."
"You're daddy is a trip. But for my baby girl you can have the world. I'll start planning that princess party today. What do you say about that?"
"Thank you. Thank you so much mommy. I love you soooo much." She got down to run over to hug me. I kissed her forehead and held my baby girl.
Princess birthday was coming up and with my baby girl getting older . I was so blessed to be her mom. It was just everything to me. I took the kids the next day to a indoor bumper cars track  . I told Semaj I was taking Nova and princess , Semaj brought Prince. It was a great family time well spent. Afterwards we went for pizza.
"Mom I had so much fun today." Nova said throwing me a big smile.
"That's good baby you going to your grandma's later so your day just got better."
"Yess!" He shouted so excited. Cameron's mom was going to visit some family and wanted to take Nova so I decided to let him go see his dad side of the family. It's hard to be strong and handle all my kids, Cameron's mom helps me to baby sit and even to pick them up and drop them off. Nova really misses his daddy and I feel so horrible that he has to go through this. Even though Semaj and Nova really do love each other. It's never going to be anyone who can take the place of his dad. Letting him go on his dad's side of the family can be better for him, in my eyes.
"Mom where will I go?" Princess asked all sad.
"Well I wanted us to have a girls weekend. With Auntie Danny and Kennedy."
"Okay mommy." Princess replied. While the kids talked amongst themselves. Semaj and and I talked.
"Today was nice with all of together. I can get used to being a unit." Semaj said.
"Oh really?" I laughed.
"I'm serious. Maybe I can take you out without the kids and we can talk?"
"I'm pretty sure that's called a date." I replied seeing straight through Semaj's bullshit
"I would say it two adults having some dinner and a nice time to discuss further expectations." Semaj explains.
"Your terrible but I'll think about it but can you do me a favor and take princess with you and I'll pick her up later ? I have to go drop him off and stuff."
"Yeah I gotchu."
"Alright. Thanks. Princess mommy will see you later I'm going to pick you up from daddy house. Nova let's go, we have to start heading to your grandma's. Prince I'll see you babes. I kissed my babies them I waved to Semaj as we left.

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