Twenty- one

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I was in the hospital for a week but I still needed to heal. Nana decided I come stay with her so she could help me recover .It felt good to have my Rock back in my corner. With Trina trying to kill us and the cops trying to frame us it's getting crazy in the streets.

"You comfortable?"
Nana asked helping me sit on the couch.
"The pillow is great. But you know
I've been shot before. I can take care of myself." I laughed.
"I know but I felt extra close to losing you and I just felt like I should be here."
"I hear you baby girl."
"Anyways you hungry?"
"Hell yeah I miss your cooking."
"I bet you do."

After we ate dinner  we stayed up watching a movie. We fell asleep together that night but the next morning I got and started plotting.
When Nana woke up she was shocked to see me up.
"What you doing Semaj?" She asked.
"I'm not about to sit around just cuz
I got shot." I explained.
"You got that thing on your arm. You want to be in the streets with one working arm?"
"Look I've been shot before. I have to get shit together for my family."
"Look you not alone but you have to take it easy."
"I'll try."
"You hungry?"
"Yes if you cooking it." We both laughed. She began to cook we talk about business and we joked around. It was smooth. We got dress and I had Nana roll with me to bust a couple of moves. She was was the support I needed.
We went to my mom's house to see the kids. I wanted to also check on my mother. See how the family was doing.
"Daddy!" Princess running up to me. Usually I would pick her up but since my strength isn't that good. I bent down to kiss and hug my baby girl.
"Daddy are you hurt?" Princess asked.
"I'm okay. I'll be back in a few days."
"Okay." She said with a smile
I joined Nana and my mother in the kitchen.
"Hey mommy, what you cooking?" I asked as I took a seat.
"Nothing for you. I'm making dinner for the kids."
"Cameron's Mother is going out of town." Nana mentioned.
"Yeah she called me. I told her she could bring Noah here until she gets back."
"That's great thank you."
"You know no he loves me and that is my grandchild too."
"Yeah I know."
"Anyways how how thing been in taking care of this boy?" My mom always was shady. So I laughed.
"It's nots bad. He eats a lot."
"Especially when he knows he ain't cooking it." My mom added.
"Who you telling?" They both broke out laughing.
"Look I can't help that my two favorite women can cook. So If it's good I would love to keep that." I explained.
"Yeah yeah I hear I you." Nana said. Her phone started ringing and she went out the kitchen to answer it.
"So Ma how you been?"
"Good. How's the arm?"
"It's getting there."
"You need to let that life go. You know you love Nana and your family. Let the streets go and
marry that girl and live your life. Keep playing with GOD and he'll show you."
"Ma I know I messed up something good with her but I have to do way more than just that. I have to get to know her and I need her to get to know me. From the basics." I explained.
"You do whatever. Even if they means putting a bullet in that bitch Trina's head."

Since I was shot my mom hasn't been too happy. She was down bad when she lost my little brother but it was worst to hear the news that her only child left was shot. She wants Trina dead or alive. I had to do something. Fast.

When we got back to the crib Nana got in the shower. I got comfortable on the couch to watch the game. I picked up blunt I had already rolled. I took a pull and exhaled. It was a lot to do but not enough time. I just wish it didn't have to be this way.
"What you thinking about?" Nana asked bring me back from daydreaming.
"Boy who you fooling. I know you better than anyone. What's on your mind?"
"Just trying to make the shit make sense."
"Make what make sense?"
"Trina. I don't know what went so wrong? I did everything for her. And now she actually took it to the all time high and try to take my life. Even after all the times I spared hers."
"Semaj she got issues within herself and she clearly don't have the same love for you. Damn sure not loyalty. Disloyalty is unforgiving. So you know what has to be done. It's the only way."
I knew my family was right but I just didn't want it to be like this for Prince. We went to bed early I had therapy in the morning and Maniac was coming to pick me up later on to do some running around .  Nana had to handle some work on the stores. So it was basically grind time. With the Feds on our ass . Let's not forget my crazy jealous Babymama trying to kill me. I had to protect my bag. I kept my
Mind on money. I made moves to keep the money flowing but I had to keep my eyes open for whatever could pop off.

It had been a couple weeks of Nana and I doing the usual. Nana was just getting out the shower dripping water on the floor. I blew smoke in the air as I watched her sexy ass wrap the towel around her curvy thick body. She had two kids and her body looked great. She had her wet curly hair in a messy bun. She made her way walking over to me.
"Semaj can you order some Chinese food I'm hungry." She sat on the bed next to me.
"Yeah what you want?" I asked putting the blunt in the ashtray. I couldn't keep
My eyes off  her sexy body.
"I remembered I when I met your tiny ass. You was small petite rough street fighter. Every time I seen you it was a fight." I said laughing. Nana laughed too.
"Yeah I wasn't taking no shit." Nana stood up and walked over to the closest.
"You was wild."
"Nah you was the one wild. Running the streets and fucking hoes. Let's not forget."
"Here we go!" I laugh lighting my blunt.
"What you mean?"
"Look I did my shit I know."
"Okay let's not act like we just grew apart. You know you was doing me wrong?"
"Babygirl I said I was sorry. I've changed. Why you can't let me be great?"
"Boy bye. I forgave you too."
"Can you please put some
Clothes on? Damn."
"Why?" Nana laughed. As if she knew what she was doing.
"Cuz my dick getting hard. Looking at thst body."
"This my house I can walk around like this if I want to." She went in the bathroom to comb her hair. Still not putting on clothes. Why she did her hair I called the Chinese place and then I placed our order. I hopped in the shower so when the food got here I could be relaxed.

When I got out the shower Nana was just about finished with her hair. She had put rollers on to to curl her hair for the morning.
She laid her eyes on me. I caught her but she tried to play it off. I wrapped the towel around myself and walked past her to the bed. I laid there for a minute. Then got up and put on some boxers. I went to lay back in the bed and wait for the food. Nana came out the bathroom and went to the closet to put on a Pink underset. She walked in the room and gave me this look.

"If this is what you want, why don't you come get it?" She had a Nigga ready to jump to do whatever. But this wasn't right.
"I know that this what I want but, the question is do you really want this?" Nana says on the bed next to me. She then began to cry.
"I don't know. I really miss and this time together has made me realize that. But I love Cameron. I would never disrespect him this way." Nana explained. I went to hug her. I gave her kiss on the forehead. Then I looked her in her eyes and kissed her soft pink lips.
"Baby girl, I missed you since I was locked down. I couldn't wait to come home and see you and make you happy like no other. I want you to be sure about me. I don't want us to vibe and things get deep and you start to regret it. I don't want you to think you are disrespecting Cameron or yourself."
"Thanks Semaj you always know how to keep me on my shit. I really do mean it. I really do want you. I mean since I met you it just was never right. I've been through some crazy thing with you by my side. If I want to be anyone for the wrest of my life. It would be you."
"Same here Baby girl."
"I really love you boy."
"I love you too project girl?" We laughed. I kissed her and hugged her once more.

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