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7 years was a long time away from the outside world.I been keeping my distance from Nana since she came and dropped that bomb on me. She continued to keep her word and hold things down but hearing her say she had to let me go for another man didn't sit right with me. I had a baby mama who was a rat. I had to deal with Rizzo supposedly boasting about running the streets while I been gone. Plus it was time get back on my bully. Maniac and I was out and ready to get back out life.


The time was finally here for me to be a free man I was ready to get back to the bread. I called up Cruz to meet me at my mother house to talk over some things.

"Yo wassup homie? I'm glad you finally home the streets miss you." Cruz passed me the blunt to take a pull. I was happy to see my nigga Cruz as well. I was happy to just be home it was time to get on my shit.
"I'm glad to be back in this bitch. I know shit been real crazy but we gonna get to the bottom of it." I swore when I was released that I would give my last breath to find Rizzo and Trina. With Nana not talking to me for the last two years I've had time to think and focus up.
"I seen Nana the other day. She looked good. She had got a nice little body too after having her baby. Did you hear about that shit?"
"Yeah I heard. She told me herself."
"Damn how you let that go. She like one of the most respected females in the city. Bitches see her Benz pull up and they get shut down. I heard her grand opening for her second store is Thursday are you going?"
"I don't know I'm not on good terms with shawty right now. She happily married with that other nigga. So I'll just let her be."
"I'm going to support my sister. She like family to me. I know she would put a bullet in a nigga head for me. I got to show her some love."
"How did y'all do on that Trina and Rizzo situation?"
"We'll get her most definitely. Honestly Nana told me she was falling back from fighting with Trina. She said her family is her everything she can't lose that for nothing."
"That's what she said. So in other words she told y'all to stop that mission to protect her own ass?" I was beginning to get mad with Nana. She threw me to the side for her husband. Now she telling my soldiers to fallback from a war to save her own ass. I was not going to sit around any longer with the bullshit.
"Look if I have to do it myself I will. That bitch a rat and I don't give a fuck. My son will learn about how fuck up of a person she was and why things ended the it will. Simple."

I later that day went to a connect of mine to get me a car. I had money stashed away to get back on my feet. I then drove to the mall to get some new clothes and sneakers. It was time to get back to doing me. Nana gone. Trina switched up. I was over bitches it was strictly about my money.

I spent days getting settled in. I had to link up with Maniac. We sat outside this bitch house I heard this Rizzo's side bitch. I know Nana killed the other bitch Riyah. So it was up to me to get some answers from this bitch.

Her name was Tracey she was some light skin redbone. She had a two year old son Jordan. She was going to college for her business degree and she was working at the mall to help support her son. She was not on my list to die. But if she didn't comply then it could happen.

As we walked up to her door Maniac stopped me in my tracks.
"Are you really trying to kill your son's mother?"
"Yeah disloyalty can't be forgiven." I proceeded to the door and I rung the doorbell.when she opens the door she was confused for why we were at her door.

"I know you thinking you don't know us and all but we here to ask a few questions. If it doesn't sound bad then tell us about Rizzo." I asked calmly.
"Look if Rizzo got problems with y'all that ain't got shit to do with me. That nigga could go fuck himself. I'm over him. I need to do better for my son." She explained.
"Is that his son?"
"May we can come in I have to use the bathroom room?" Maniac asked. She hesitated but then finally gave in. She opens the door and we walked in. I smile this was great to see and investigate her house to see what she really knows.

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