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My phone was ringing off the hook nonstop and Danny was the reason. It was almost six or seven in the morning when I got up to answer her call.
"Wassup Cousin?" I asked.
"Yo! Cuz Cameron got killed and Trina did that shit. We need to get out there to LA and go handle some shit so. Get your shit and meet us out there." Danny didn't even wait for my response she hung up and I was half sleep still trying to break down everything that she was telling me.

I went to the bathroom to piss and then I washed my face and brushed my teeth then I went back into my room to call up Maniac. I saw I had two missed calls from Nana and I was not ready to have a conversation with her. She just lost her husband and it was a very sad time and I knew I had a little blame in not being consistent.
"Yo!" Maniacs answeed.
"We need to head to LA shit just got real. I'm trying to be there by tonight so we have to get our ass on our way like now."
"Aight bro I'll be ready and at your crib in like and hour I got this last place to hit before I slide to my crib to get my shit."
"Alright see you when you get here."

With Trina running around like a crazy insane bitch and Nana looking for blood it was about to get hot in LA. And I was not trying to die being involved with the heat. I got dressed and packed my things. I made sure I booked our flights and Once everything was done I waited for Maniac to arrive.
When he came we left out a few minutes later. I was feeling wrong for not listening to Nana. She was trying to tell me but I was not trying to listen. Now her husband was gone and her family was broken and I had part in it. Shit made me feel different when I thought about it.

When we landed we headed to the hotel. Danny told us the hotel they were at and and we booked our rooms there too. After we got settled in our rooms we head to Meet Danny and Nana in their room. I knew  it was not going to be good and I definitely knew how I would feel if I was Nana right now.

I knocked on the door and then Danny opens it up for us. Nana was sitting on the bed drinking and holding a gun in her other hand. She had a look of so much evil in her eyes and I never seen her so angry. I gripped my strap just in case shit got too crazy.
"So now you care?" Nana asked.
"Nana it was not like that. I thought that you was just trippin."
"I've been trying to figure out whether I should put a bullet in you head right now Semaj." Nana asked and stood up and I pulled out my gun. We both stood there with out guns pointed at each other.
"Y'all tripping lets put the guns down and figure this shit out." Danny said.
"Y'all love each other don't do this right here. This is crazy let just calm down for real." Maniac added.

I could see from the look in Nana's eyes she was not about to drop her gun and I knew I couldn't I do it either.
"I don't get why I gave you everything you asked for and I still ended up being fucked over from the beginning to the end of our relationship? Even when we was not together I'm still dealing with your shit. Why me? Why do you put me through this?" Nana asked and saw her tears rolling down her face. I wanted to wipe her tears and kiss her and tell her to stop crying but I knew I had to hold that down and keep it real.
"Nana I love you. I never meant to put through any of those things. I was a man still making childish kid mistakes. I lost my best friend and my world and another man fell in love with you. To see you happy hurts but I know it's what you deserve. This ain't the way to solve shit. I'm sorry." I replied.
"My husband is dead and I have no clue on how I'm going to live a life without him. My happiness is gone and your baby mother is the reason. "
"Let's handle business and figure out the rest later. I'm willing to do whatever to get this shit over and done with. I got my peoples already looking into some people she roll with in LA. I got my head on the right page and I'm not tying to fuck up anymore."
"Oddly late of you to finally want to think like that." Nana dropped her gun and walked away. I was never so scared in my life then that moment. I couldn't believe I pulled a gun out on my baby mother and we almost killed each other. This bitch Trina was ruining everything and it was getting crazy and I was not liking that .

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