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My life was turning around so much. I was finally married to the man of my dreams. Mister had opened his own contractor business. My husband was finally changing around and doing better. He was still close with Semaj but Nana wasn't having a problem with it. Since Semaj has been home she's had been busy.

With our relationship doing so well I was thinking about having another baby. Nana was all grown and she has her own kids. I wasn't there to give Nana a great life because of my addiction. So I wanted to try to do it for a second time.

After I was done showering. I took the lotion into the room and I handed it Mister to lotion my feet. I just loved how he rubbed my feet.

"Baby how was your day?" I asked.
"It was long but I'm glad I come home to you so I don't have to worry about that."
"Well I was meaning to finish talking to you about having another baby."
"You really want this new baby?" Mister asked. He was shock to see I was really serious.
"Yes. I want us to really be the parents we should of been for Nana. I missed out on a lot of things and so did you."
"I know but a baby?"
"What does Nana think?"
"Well I haven't told her yet."
"When do you feel is the best time to tell your first born she will be having a sibling?"
"I know she should know, but she is going through a lot with Cameron. So I want to wait until things are good to tell her."
"You need to tell her sooner. Like tomorrow. Take her out shopping. She loves to shop. Then tell her about us having a second baby."
"Okay Okay. I'll tell her."
"Okay good. Now come bring that sexy body over here. I climbed on top of Mister and kissed him. Mister was the love of my life and Nana is my heart and world. I just really hope Nana would be okay with this decision.

The next day I went with Nana to the mall to do some shopping for the kids and ourselves. We got some nice sneakers and heels. Even for some sexy things for the bedroom. We had a great time and she was back to smiling. I was happy to see her and Cameron working things out.
"So how has things been with Semaj home? Do the kids see him often?
"Yeah every weekend. Semaj and Cameron are cool. They are both a lot of  help for  me and they both really care for my kids. Semaj even met Amelia and things are great."
"That's really good."
"I'm still hurt that Cameron has another baby."
"How far along is the other woman?"
"Seven months."
"Wow. Look y'all are still going to be a great family. He made a mistake but that baby is still a blessing."
"You're right."
"I know I am that's a mom thang." I laughed and Nana just couldn't help it so she laughed hard with me.

"Mom I love you." Nana said.
"I love you more pumpkin."
"Pumpkin? Mom you haven't called me that name is ages." Nana giggled.
"I know but you still are my pumpkin and you always will be."
"I know mom."
"Well I have something I do want to talk you about."
"What's up?"
"You're father and I have been going for a new baby. With my age it's possible and I know it might seem crazy. It's just that I really missed out on a lot as a mother and I want to try again." I explained.
"Well...I know Dad and you missed out on a lot of things do I would be honored to have a little sister." Nana hugged me tight and kissed my face and rubbed my belly.
"Girl stop it ain't no baby in there. I mean yet."
"I can't believe this."
"Well you better."
"I'm really happy for you guys."

Later that evening I came home happy to tell Mister the great news and he was in the phone with a gun in his hand. Something was wrong.
"Yo babe what's the matter?" I asked. I sat my bags down and walked over to him.
"Well we'll have to do what we gotta do?" Mister said to whoever was on the other end. He ended the phone call and took a pull of his blunt.
"Hello? I'm talking to you."
"Baby I beg you to stay in the house and keep the door lock don't open it for nobody. I'll call you. I love you baby." He kissed me and left out the door.

Mister was never a street nigga. He was a respectable loving man and I didn't know what to feel when I saw that side of him. I stood in that same spot for at least thirty minutes trying to wrap my head around what's going on.

Then I finally got a hold of myself and called Nana. She didn't answer but she called right back.
"Nana what is going on? You're father just stormed out of here. Is everything okay?" I asked.
"Ma it's crazy shit going on. Cruz got shot. He good but he is lucky. And Dad is not too happy with that. I'll call you later I got to go." Nana explained.

I went to shower and take it down. My head was spinning. I was sleep once I laid down. But I woke up when I heard Mister's voice.
"Baby is that you ?" I asked wiping the crust out my eyes
"Baby go back to sleep."
"No I won't. Are you okay?"
"Baby I'm fine."
"This ain't you? Mister your not this man."
"I know that...but this is man I know can hold shit down and provide. I'm sorry if I scared you but it's too much going on."
"I see you stressed
"Yeah stressed is a understatement."
"You can always come to me."
"I know baby."
"Let's go to sleep. I just want to hold you." Mister kissed me in his arms. I felt like I was back in high school again. I was just so in love. So in love , that I was worried about a lot.

We climbed in bed together and held each other all night and slept. It was nice to feel like everything was alright but I knew it wasnt.
When we got up Mister decided he wanted to go out for lunch. So we ate breakfast then we got ready for lunch.

"I love you Mister." I said to him while we sitting in the car driving to the restaurant. We had been through so much and I could see something was wrong.
"I love you more. I know you are trying to comfort me but baby right now things are not looking too good. I rather not involve someone I love again."
"If there is a war or dispute that's going on. And my family and the people we closed to getting fuck around with them we got big problems. My daughter has kids. Doesn't Cruz have kids? You have a daughter. We both can't control how goes when dealing with this shit but we have to defuse this before we all go down. We can't take another lost." I explained. Mister said nothing. We had arrived at the place. So he was parking. He still didn't say a word. I watch him get out the car and come around to open my door.

"I'm starving. So come stop worrying about that. Let's focus on other stuff." He smiled. I couldn't help but smile too.
"You are so charming aren't you?"
"Well I try." We laughed and walked in the restaurant. We were enjoying lunch. As always when we were together we would laugh talk and enjoy everything.

During the ride home from lunch. Mister brought a deep conversation.
"So you want a baby right?" Mister asked.
"You know I do?"
"So I know you've been trying to get me to come around to it and make this happen like yesterday. So I'm going to promise to step up more on my part. I schedule a doctors appointment to check out my soldier." Mister and I burst out laughing.
"Really? Your soldier?" I never laughed so hard.
"Yeah that my secret name for him."
"I can't deal with you."
"I know you love me and I want to make happy."
"I know baby." I kissed his cheek.
"Baby I don't want to ever lose you again."
"Baby I'm here to stay." Mister kissed my hand.

When we got home , all that talking about his "Soldier" made me go crazy. When we got home , we made love four hours. Mister and I were so deep in love and happy. It was was all that I could ask for.

When Mister left I fell off in the roar ways but having him now and a great relationship with my wonderful daughter Nana. I was the luckiest woman in the world. I was happy and baby number two was soon to come.

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