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It's around ten in the morning and I'm just now arriving for my doctors appointment. I was running late. I had been with Bryce for a couple of years now and we are finally expecting our first child. Sadly it's not something we both are happy about. I'm so exited to be a mother. But Bryce was not too happy on other the hand.

When I found out I was pregnant I was not sure how to tell him. But I eventually told him over dinner he snapped. So it's been up and down with him and my pregnancy.
I walked in the place and checked in then they walked me to the back to get changed. Once I was changed my doctor came in to begin on my check up.
"Hello Ms. Danny." Said Dr.Lopez.
"Hello Doc." I replied.
"How have you been? Have you been resting?" She asked.
"I've been trying."
"You can't try. You have to. Your life and your baby's life is at risk if you don't. Let get that in order fast. Okay love?" Lopez explained.
"Yes. I know I'm going to do what I got to it's been a lot going on."
"I understand but let's see our little angel." She lifted my gown to check between my legs to see if things looked good down there. Then we did ultrasound. Which was my favorite part I loved to hear my baby's heart beat was my everything.
"Okay now everything is looking way better and you can see your improving. Just rest and relax and take it easy. Your twenty-two weeks along."
"Awww my little baby." I began crying a little.
"Would you like to know the sex of the baby?"
"Yes I would." I didn't want to wait well at least not for me to know.
"Well here is the genitals and it's looks to be a baby girl. Congratulations Mama. You got you a pretty diva. On the way honey." We laughed and I couldn't stop crying. I was hoping for a girl and I was so excited.
"Now remember what I told you. I'm gonna let you clean up. And you can leave. Take care. Okay?"
"Alright I got you. Thank you."
Once I was done I left .I made my way over to Tori's house. I hadn't told anyone but Tori and Bryce about my baby.

When I got there Semaj was sitting on the couch watching the game with Prince. I went to join them.
"What brings you by?" Tori asked.
"Just came to chill with you and talk about some stuff. I'm glad Semaj is here too." I explained.
"What are you glad I'm here?" Semaja said. He always had to joke.
"I have to something to tell you."
"Wassup Danny?" Semaj sat up for a quick second.
"I'm six months pregnant."
"What? Where?" He was instantly shocked. I was very small so I didn't look six maybe four but I was indeed six months pregnant. Well technically I'm like five and a half. I just hadn't really gained any weight. I know it's because of the stress.
"Yes I've even going through some stuff but I feel like I need to be here for Nana and the kids with Cameron gone."
"What you mean?"
"The pregnancy is bringing complications. I've been instructed to rest and take it easy or my baby's health and mine can be fatal. Bryce my boyfriend is not happy about it and has been stressing me the most. Working helping to manage two stores and handling things for myself and preparing for a baby that's on the way. Completely by myself. I might even need to get a C section for the birth too."
"Well why you didn't say something when you first found out?"
"I don't know. You know me better than anyone I just always do what I got to do. I just didn't think it would start making me weak like this."
"Well we need you to bring that baby in this world and I need you be my side. So whatever you got to do we'll just do it together." Semaj said giving me a hug and kiss on the forehead.
Semaj and I was raised as brother and sister but we were cousins. Just to have him behind me through this process it just makes it better.
"I was on the phone with Nana she is on her way over here with the kids. They are staying with me for the weekend." Tori said.
"I don't know how she'll feel that I kept this secret from everyone."
"She'll be supportive as always. Definitely because she loves you and you do so much for her."

"I hope she is going to take it well." I just patiently wait to see.

We talked and Semaj had a million silly and deep questions for me but it was a relief to get this off my chest. Then soon Nana came in with the kids. Princess was crying and Nova was pouting .
"What happened to my babies?" I asked hugging princess. Nova walked over to Tori and sat next to her.
"They were fighting in the car over a toy. So I took the toy from both of them. She started crying and he has been upset since. But do you think I care? They better suck it up." Nana explains as she gets comfortable on the couch next to Nova and Tori.
"You are so crazy. Y'all can't be fighting each other." I said to Nova and Princess. But at this point she was definitely getting sleepy and went to lay on Semaj's chest.
"They are working my last nerve that's why I'm leaving them with Tori." She joked. We all laughed.
"Those are my babies they don't bring me no problems. They know I don't play that." Tori said.
"Well what was y'all doing before we got here?" Nana asked.
"We was just sitting here chilling. Talking and you know, joking around." Semaj replies.
"How has business been going?" Tori asked.
"It's been good. Making that money but of course it's been crazy. I've been having interviews back to back some people are good but then a lot of people aren't. So I'm still holding interviews." Nana explained.
"Sound like a lot but I know you got this." Tori replies. Nana just smiled.
"So Nana you are like my little sister and my best friend in one. I love you and your kids like no other and y'all have became our family too and it's bond we grew so strong out of the worst that we been through together." I began to say. Everyone paused and Nana focuses on me while I began to talk.
"Wassup ?" Nana asked looking around.
"I'm pregnant." I answered.
"Pregnant where?" Nana asked in disbelief.
"I'm six months pregnant, we'll actually like five and a half. I've been holding this from everyone. Only Tori and Bryce knew until I told you and Semaj today."
"Why now? Why so late? "
"I was having problems with Bryce and baby just made it worst. Then you lost Cameron and I had to be there for you  and the kids. But with my pregnancy having complications I'm asked to be on bed rest for the remainder of the pregnancy. I even possibly going to have a c section." I explained.
"Wow. I don't know what to say. I'm happy for you and I love you. I appreciate everything you ever did for me. With this being important I need you to rest. I can't wait to meet our Angel." Nana walked over to me to give me a hug and I began to cry. Maybe it was the hormones or me just be happy that I for once with my pregnancy I don't feel alone or lost. My family was behind me and it was time for me to be the best mom I was going to be.

We talked for a while then soon I left to go home. Maniac and Nana said they wanted to go handle some work. When I got home Bryce was sitting in the living watching T.V.
"You didn't see me calling your phone?" Bryce asked. I ignored him then I walked up stairs. The turned on  the shower. Bryce followed me and was face to face with me and I was unbothered with him at this point. For a moment he just stared but then he finally spoke.

"Danny I love you. You know that right?" He asked. I paused. Then answered.
"I don't know anything but what you show me." I replied.
"I know I've been this monster or bad guy to you and I was deadass wrong for that shit." Bryce got on his knees and he put his hands on my belly and I just was not expecting this from Bryce.
"What are doing?" I asked. He looked me in my eyes and for the first time in a long time I could see something in his eyes that made me believe he was man I want to give my heart to for life.
"I never wanted to be Dad. I kill people for a living Love. The day someone would come and kill me. Do you think they will spare My wife and kids? No. I can't imagine loving something so precious and someone taking it away from behind my  decisions." He explained.
"Baby I know you are scared. But it's not fair to not support me in something I'm passionate about. When I'm the first to be behind you through whatever. The day someone comes for you or our family will be the day they'll have to come through me." I kissed him and he hugged and kissed me too. He stood up and just held me in his arms. I never felt so loved in long tome by him. I'm glad we finally talked. Now maybe things could turn out for the best for our new arrival.
After my shower Bryce rubbed my feet while we ate pizza and watched Martin. It just felt like old times again. We had along way to go for full recovery. It was finally good to be relaxed. It's what I really need for the moment.
"You missed out on a lot with the baby. I'm almost six months pregnant." I said.
"I know and I can't believe I waited this long. To finally open up and tell you where my mind was. Most of all the truth. Plus why I acted the way I did."
"Bryce I love you and you hurt me and abandoned me and I can't go through that again. I need to know you are on board for a lifetime not Partime."
"Baby I'm here to stay. I'm not going to miss another appointment or anything. I'm right here. I was just got really scared." He kissed my feet and I didn't say nothing more. I never seen him so open.

When I met. Bryce he was in the club looking to kill a target. I was out having a few drinks when he came up to me. From there we hung out and talked daily. With Nana and I doing business and Semaj being away and then coming home and let's not forget about his lifestyle too. Killings. Drugs. Money. I'm saying Bryce was sexy looking on the outside but pure heartless inside. But still for both of us to finally be on the same page with our family. It's the best feeling ever. I was so excited to meet my baby girl. Now Bryce was too the way it's supposed to be.

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