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It's been crazy lately. I had business to take care of , decided to take my baby girl Nana away with me. Its been rocky getting things back in play again between us. I want my family back by any means at this point. Trina is making it harder and harder ,I'm tired of her stupid games. Its just been out of control.  Even though it's a work trip, we could both use the vacation. So We flew out to L.A.

"I love Los Angeles. Its such a beautiful place ." Nana said as we walked outside the airport to find our car. Her face had a smile so big on it. I was glad to see that , lately its been her crying and so on edge.

"I know , that's why I brought you out here. To get your mind right." I replied getting the door for her. Once we made it to the hotel we settled in our room . I didn't get much sleep on the plane. So sleep was the first on my agenda.

"Semaj Seriously?" Nana asked. I was tucked into bed and I could see from the look on her face that she was not feeling my mood.

"Yes my love?" I took the cover from off my face .Nana had this meanest frown on her face.

"You are sleeping while we took a trip L.A. What's the point?" she went to the bathroom to continue to get dressed.

"I'm just tired. you slept like a baby on the plane. On the other hand I didn't." I replied.

"So what am I to do?"

"How about you come lay with me? We have plenty of time to go out in the city and have us some fun. Come lay with me please?" Nana at first stood there with disappointment all over her face. But then she went to get undressed. She slipped on this lace tow piece PINK short bedtime set. As I watched her from my bed I adored her body. Over all the time that I've known Nana I've watched her body transform from young lady to a full grown woman. Our age difference is what made everyone think I was crazy or out my mind. I saw a bright future with Nana since when we first met.

She came to joined me in bed finally I wrapped my arms around her , then I kissed her forehead and her soft juicy lips. "That's my baby girl. Love you."

"I love you too Semaj." She pressed her soft lips on mine and then got comfortable under me and we fell asleep in each others arms. when we woke it was the next day ,early in the morning. I had a few meetings to go about some business. Nana was already informed. She was just riding around with me for the day. Our first day out on the town was just work work. Had to meet with my peoples get my money right.

The next day , early in the morning we got up to get up to get some breakfast. Nana chose the spot so I had never been here before ? As we waited for our food I sipped in some orange juice. Nana was into her phone for a bit. Then I caught her staring at me from time to time.
"What you looking at punk?" I asked. Nana looked up and rolled her eyes. Then went back to her phone.
"Boy you better be lucky someone wants to look at your ugly behind." She replied. Then took a sip of her mimosa.
"Ugly? Ugly? Never. You know one thing about me I could never ever be ugly." I laughed.
"If you say so boy."
"I'm a grown ass man , not no boy."
"What makes you a grown ass man? Half or the time I just can't tell."
"I hear you ,I guess."
"You got a bone to pick with me or something?"
"You keep swearing it's going to be different this time around but what's different this time? You still in these streets still rolling around with your friends. It's always some drama with you still. I'm trying to figure what's changed?"
"Well before I was still stuck in my old ways. I'm done with a lot of shit. I want shit to be different willing to change whatever to make this work. I know I did some of the most heartless shit to you and our family. I know y'all deserve better."
"It's sounds good. But is it really going to be as good as you say?"
"Can you just trust me?"
"That's a lot to ask of me after all that we've been through and that I'm still going through." Nana words poured out like hot lava but I felt every last one of them. She was right this shit was getting out of control from Trina and her issues plus how my actions been in and out of our relationship.
"I guess I'll have to show you." I kissed her hand.
"I'll guess."

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