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Cameron and I both were doing so good. We took the kids out and did a lot of family stuff. Some nights I  was cooking and some nights Cameron did house work. My work schedule was going great too. I was so far doing well balancing the two stores and the club and street shit with Semaj.

With the drama going on I was still holding on to the great life I always wanted to have. Cruz was still in the hospital and I went to visit him everyday. When Cruz got shot I felt like I almost lost a brother and whoever did that had to pay. Period.

"Yo bro how you feel today?" I asked.
"I'm good. I wish they will release me already and let me get back to this money and after the bitch they shot me." Cruz was good he had a few pains in his arm but he was just really upset that he got hit. So he's looking for smoke with whoever was involved.
"Bro we getting that handled ASAP but you need to relax and heal up fully so we can really bounce back. You know you always got money rolling in even you don't move. So making money can wait for a minute. Just get better."
"I hear you."
"We got you. My dad going crazy about this shit too. He told
"What that nigga saying?"
"He said he get some shit done."
"I want that bitch head."
"We all do."

After leaving the hospital I went by Semaj's house to pick upthe kids and talk about Cruz.

"Hey mommy." Princess said giving me a hug. I kissed and hugged her back and walked with her over to the living room where Semaj was.
"Hey Nana." Semaj said and then went back to typing on his phone.
"Semaj can we talk?"
"Wassup?" He put his phone down and looked at me.
"So you're baby mama playing with fire?"
"Look I just got home and I really got my life to get in order. I see the shit that's going on. I have to finda way to fucking handle this shit."
"Semaj you seem to be upset but this your fault. If you only would of never met they rat ass bitch."
"Chill bruh I'm going to handle it."
"When? I'm guessing when someone really loses their life." I gathered my things and the kids and I walked out the door.
Semaj was just acting life it was vacation time. It was wartime and he was not even giving a shit about the stuff going on. With that frustration I still have to keep up with my own problems.

"Hey Baby." Cameron kisses me and joined me in the kitchen. I was preparing dinner.
"Wassup? Is there something wrong?"
"A lot. I'm trying to be supportive but I'm not okay with another woman carrying your baby."
"Nana I know this is hard but it's a mistake that I made and I wish I could take back but I can't."
"I know. Dinner will be ready soon can you please get the kids cleaned up and settled down?"
"Okay I can do that. You know I love you right?"
"I know baby I love you too."
"After dinner and the kids in bed we can make another baby."
"Boy you so crazy."
"I'm serious baby girl we about to have a football team. We going to be our own army."
"I hear you."

After dinner and putting the kids to bed. Cameron and I got our little fun in and then we laid in each others arms.
"Baby I love you and our family. I want us to spend the rest of our lives together." Cameron kissed my neck and held me tighter. I had a tear running down my face and I was faced away from him so he couldn't see it.

I knew Cameron was telling the truth and he meant what he was saying but I could only think about how another woman can say she got one up on me. Cameron's secret ways got my heart feeling empty.
"I love you so much more Cameron." I said and then closed my eyes and went to sleep.

The next morning I got the kids ready for school. I then got dressed for my busy work day. I had tons of things to do and still be in time to pick the kids up for school.
"Hey my wife." Cameron said.
"Hey my husband."
"Like I told you the other day I have to go out to handle some business and check on shawty with the baby."
"I know I hate to see you leave. I hate being away from you."
"I hate it too. But I got to. Just hold stuff down. I got a surprise for you when I come home. I love you and the kids. I'll see you soon." Cameron kisses me and hugged me and then grabbed his bags and walked out the door.

Cameron was trying to find time to be there for his family in New York and his family with the other woman. But I just hate seeing him leaving to take care of another baby with another woman. It was killing me.
Days went by and I was wrapped up and busy with something every second of the day. I was either running around with my dad and helping Cruz. Since he came home he's been in the house trying to get back to doing stuff for hisself since he had been shot. Then I had the kids while Semaj ran around with Maniac and whoever else. I was drained..

While the kids were in bed I got a call from Cameron. It was almost midnight and I had just got out the shower and was doing some online shopping.
"Hey baby, why you calling so late? Something wrong?"
"Baby I was out getting some food and some car followed us out the supermarket and then starting shooting at us and we had to speed off." Cameron was explaining but was also freaking out.
"Oh my god is the baby and everyone okay?"
"Yes. But I really just needed to hear your voice."
"Awww baby I don't know but people really are getting too bold. Please get some rest and call me in the morning. And please be safe and careful while you're out there."
"Okay I love you a baby."
"I love you hubby."
After we hung I went to sleep and tried to not think about the worst that could of happened. The next morning I let the kids go with Semaj's mother. She and I was still cool and we always kept a sort of cool relationship. She wanted the kids for a few days and I was not about to pass up a opportunity to get some peace in the house.

After the kids were off I was free to make some moves. I went but the club and I ran into Maniac and Semaj.
"Hey Nana I haven't seen you in a while. How you been?" Manic asked. Oddly he was being nice and I was not too sure about why.
"I'm good. What's going on?" I asked. I gave Semaj the look of pure attitude.
"Don't mean mug me I'm putting some shit together." Semaj replied.
"Whatever Cameron and his daughter was shot at yesterday. I think we need to move faster."
"No offense but that Nigga don't got shit to do with this and I honestly doubt that was Trina." Semaj jumped in.
"What? Trina don't give a fuck about me. She will take whatever is making me better than her away. That was her plan with you and you see she failed."
"Chill Nana." Maniac said. Noticing that I was beginning to get angry.
"That's my husband if anything happens to him I swear on my fucking kids I will murder this monkey face looking bitch! That's on my dead baby too nigga." I walked out the club and I drove to my store to check on my business.
Danny was in her office so I went in to talk with my ride or die
"Hey bitch." I said giving her a hug and kiss.
"Hey boss lady. What you coming from doing?"
"I just had to pop up on Semaj and check him about how he's been moving. Since he been home he been chilling and shit. Not even making no business moves.We got his crazy baby mother trying to kill us and he acting like he don't care."
"What did he have to say?"
"He keep saying he putting some shit together. But he ain't still say shit. Cameron and his daughter was in the car in LA and the was being followed and then shot at last night and I bet everything that bitch Trina had something to do with it."
"Wait is they okay?"
"Yes everyone is good but it could of been worst."
"I know and he still doesn't think that should mean to hurry up and dead this shit?"
"Nope he just chillin."
"Thats not good."
"I really hate that I ever met this nigga. The only good thing I got was my daughter from him. He really just ain't shit."
"It's just crazy. when does Cameron come back home?"
"In two days. I can't wait I just need him close to me."
"Has he thought about moving his baby mother up here so he won't have to go away?"
"We never talked about it but that's better. I guess."
"Girl you're going to be a great step mommy." Danny joked. I punched her arm then walked out and and into my office.

I then got a call from a unknown number. I was unsure whether I should answer or not but I did. I didn't say anything at first.
"Hey bitch." The female voice said. I knew it was Trina instantly.
"You so big on the phone but still won't show your ugly face?"
"Let's not talk about faces. I know that you won't have such a pretty face when you really see my work."
"What you mean?"
"I mean next time I won't miss." The phone hung up and I was stuck and numb. Trina was moving like a snake and I was about to start doing the same. It was either let her hunt me or I hunt her. So it was time to do some dirty work.

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