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Sincea I been home it's been everyone pulling from every direction. I had my kids like every weekend and they were a lot to handle. I had Maniac and Nana in my ear about the streets. I was all over the place. I was loving the money and the power but now the money and the power wasn't showing much love.

I went to visit my mother and vent. My mom always knew how to keep it real and tell me what needs to be done.

"What brings by my great son?" My asked taking a seat at the table where I was seated.
"I got problems."
"What's type of problems?"
"I'm at a full blown war with Trina and I don't even know how it got to this point? Trina did me wrong and I'm paying for it like I did it to her."

My mom sat there and didn't say a word. She was pissed that the Trina mess was coming between everyone. 
"Look that little bitch tried to send you away for life. They would of took you away from your son. I want that bitch buried. But Prince will be hurt at the end of the day. Have you considered that?"
"I have. That's all I could think about."
"I see you running around with Maniac all the time."
"We be having A lot of shit to do , it's crazy around here."
"When is enough , enough?"
"I'm trying to ties up some loose ends."
"Your not going to be happy until something really really bad happens. You keep testing the devil and he will defeat you." My mom was furious with me. I told her when I got arrested that I was leaving the streets alone but this shit is too deep to just leave alone. Something my mom won't understand.

Later that day I went home I finally had some alone time so I called up Tracey. We have been linking up when we could. She was really cool peoples. With everything going on I could use a stress reliever.
"Hey ugly." Tracey said hugging me.
"Hey shawty."
"I been hitting you but I guess you too busy with Maniac to respond. Like I know you say you want to get out but your actions are saying the opposite."
"Why my mother saying the same thing? I'm trying to it's just not that easy."
"Semaj stop making up reasons for why you won't stop and just start doing it. Your children need you."
"What about you?" I asked.
"What do you mean?" Tracey replied.
"Will you need me?"
"I do need you."
"Right now."
I walked over to her short thick body and I kissed all over her. She wrapped her arms around me. I picked her up and I carried her to the bedroom wear I laid her down.

I had too much going on the last thing I needed was to be having the same difficult conversation with someone who I wanted to have a good time with.

I began to undress her. She gave me the sexiest smile ever and I couldn't act like it didn't do some thing to a nigga. It had my dick hard and I was ready to jump in some pussy.

After we had sex I got a text from Nana saying that she was outside. I was not sure how she was going to react with Tracey here.
"Who you texting? Your other bitches?" Tracey asked laying under the cover completely naked. She was smoking a blunt I rolled up. Even though she looked sexy as fuck smoking in font of me I knew it was time to go.
"Nah it was my baby mama."
"Oh. When you gonna take me serious and move forward with me? We can have this like all the time."
"I need to get my life together before I move forward with anyone. Do you still love her?"
"Who?" I gave her a confused look but I knew exactly who she was referring to.
"Don't play dumb."

Right in the middle of our conversation I hear my downstairs door open and closed. Nana instead just walked in which wasn't gonna be good.
"Who the fuck is that?" Tracey asked.
I didn't answer I just rushed to get my basketball shorts on and I walked downstairs.

"Yo! You gonna get enough just walking in my house bruh." I said to Nana who stood not even budging. She was unbothered and clearly not caring for what I had to say. Before I could say anything I hear footsteps behind me. It's Tracey standing next to me with nothing but my big T-shirt on.
"Tracey you could of stayed upstairs." I said.
"Why? I asked who it was and you ignored me. But now I see." Tracey looked at Nana. Nana took a seat on the couch and began to laugh.
"Semaj you got a funny taste in women. You got you're snitching ass baby mama jealous of me and you got this cheap two dollar hoe fronting in my face. I don't get it." Nana finally spoke.
"Bitch ain't shit cheap or two dollar about me."
"Semaj I got to talk to you about business tell your little hoe that you'll finish fucking her hoe ass when we done." Nana was staring at me with a dead face and I was a little scared.
"You gonna let her talk to me like that and you stand there stuck?" Tracey asked.
"Tracey please! Can you get dress and leave and I'll call you later. I need to just handle this first." I explained.
"You a weak ass nigga I'm out." Tracey went upstairs and I was once again alone with Nana.
"You can't just be walking in my house like that. It's disrespectful."
"You know what's really disrespectful? That I've been risking a lot trying to hold you down when you can't even give me a simple thank you. On top of that you're the reason the war between me and your rat ass baby mama is going on."
"Nana I understand you hurt about it. But I got a life of my own I can't jump when you say."
"Semaj you have the balls to say that shit to my face. I did the most for your dumb ass. But I hope you eat those words. I'll handle that bitch myself. You better get ready to go to a funeral. I'm gonna bury that bitch." Nana. walked out my house and slammed the door.

I was so aggravated with the drama around me. I just came home and only wanted to get money and be there for
My kids. I'm ready for this shit to stop. I had to do something fast before I lose my shit dealing with these bitches.

Tracey has gotten dress and left. She didn't say a word more to me. I was pissed that they both acted the way they did. But I had to focus on other shit.

I called up Maniac and told him to meet me at the block. When I got there he was sitting in own car so I got out mine and got in his.
"Wassup br0?" Maniac asked.
"What should I do about this Trina situation?"
"Bro if it was me I would put a bullet dead in her skull."
"That's Prince's mother. I can't do that to my son."
"I understand but disloyalties or are not forgiven."
"I feel you but if we do this then I have to have that talk with my son. I can't let him go on not knowing the truth."
"He too young."
"Your never too young. Look at me I've been in these streets since I was twelve. He will hopefully understand."
"Just honestly think this through and and make the best decision you can."
"Let's go swing by the club and check on this paper. I'll leave my car there."

Maniac started the car up and pulled off. I was wrapped in some bullshit fresh out and it felt like hell.

After running around getting money with Maniac I went by Nana's house to get the kids. Nana had an attitude but she still was playing happy for the kids."
"Nana can I talk to you for a minute?"
"Semaj I have to get Noah ready for his bath and I have a headache. Your kids are waiting for you."
"You really coming like that?"
"Semaj I said what I said."
I didn't stay to go back and forth with her I took the kids and I left. Our relationship was beginning to get worst. It was more and more anger building up between us two. I didn't see us getting back together ever at this point.

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