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I was surprised to  see Tanya around the way. I had stopped by to talk with Semaj about some business when I ran into her. Tanya used to be my Ride Or Die. But she just changed and so did our relationship. She was more so just like another enemy. So I had to treat her different and put her at a distance.

With my life finally calming down sort of , after Cameron's death. I had the kids spending their time with family and in little sports and activities. Princess was in ballet class. She was loving that. Nova played football. Prince also came around to basketball. So my schedule with the kids was super busy. Keeping them focus on good things was better than, Letting them be down about Cameron. We all missed him truely. I just finally had my life in order.

With everything going smooth. I had tons of help to keep everything running. Danny helped with the stores and the businesses. Semaj  and I had Mister working with us with the drug business and club business. I had Tori and Cameron's Mother helping with baby sitting and picking up the kids from the activities. Everyone was contributing to the life I was building for myself. I lost a huge piece of it but for these past few months I've been holding my head high and handling my business.

I went to link up with Danny at her house. My Danny was finally having a baby I was just so happy for her. I went to check up on her.
"I see you stepping like a boss miss thang." Danny mentioned.
"Girl I'm just taking it one day at a time."
"I am so proud of you."
"Aww thanks but I'm really proud of you. About to bring a baby in this world. And for you to keep things in line too. You a different breed." I said.
"Awwww that's all facts."
"That's why I'm glad you my bitch."
"I'm your bitch for life sis."

When Tanya and I went our separate ways. Danny and I got closer. I realize this whole time I was choosing the wrong people to be friends with. Danny and I couldn't stand each other now we count up thousands together and we go to war for each other. A bond that was way deeper than a bond I with anyone before.

"So Nana your birthday coming up. What you trying to do. You always know we got to go all out so what we doing?" Danny asked while eating some pickles with sour cream. I began to laugh. Thinking how that was me with Nova and Princess.
"Well I haven't thought about it with everything going on. I've been running around so haven't really did any planning."
"Well I want to a vacation."
"I don't know with the kids  it be busy."
"Well I'll  get them taken care of. You just better find a place to go for your birthday."
"Alright you got it Mom." We both started crying out laughing. I could have ask for any better of a friend than Danny.

After I left her house I went home and I got to do some house cleaning with the kids away with Semaj. I had the time to relax and get thing together. Then I got a call out of the blue from Semaj.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Please open the door I've been shot!" I heard his voice breaking up on the phone and my heart stopped for a moment.
"SHOT!"  I ran to the door then I saw him laying on my porch with his chest bleeding and I could believe how much blood he was losing.
"WHAT HAPPENED?"SEMAJ!" I scream for him but he was going out and I was covered on blood so. I ran in to grab my my phone , keys. I pulled the car out and I began to move his body the car the best way I could to get him in my  car. I finally got him in my back seat. Then I got in and I back out.
I was shaking. I heard Cameron take his last breath and I didn't want to lose Semaj too. I loved him just as much as Cameron. I was speeding and A few people cursing me out but I was trying to save a life. I couldn't go through with burying anyone else.

I pulled up to the nearest hospital and I rushed out get help. I returned with two doctors with a stretcher. I help them get him out the car and the rolled him in and I ran To follow them. They took him in the operation rooms me I couldn't go with him any further. I stood there covered in blood and felt like once again the devil had me by the heart. I was so scared I called Tori ,Danny ,and Maniac. They rushed over to the hospital.

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