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In everyone's eyes I'm nothing but bad. As I'm sitting in my car smoking a cigarette. I'm just thinking. I can't believe the only man I thought really cared about me is putting his life on the line for some busted bitch from some dusty as projects. With a mother who used to do drugs.

Compared to me I think it is far from a comparison. It's just drives me insane. Then this little hoe has the nerve to turn my own son against me. She really took too much from me. It's far from over.
Suddenly my phone rings it my Rizzo. I instantly pick up.
"Hey baby I got something I need you to do. Pull up to the spot. I'm right here with my boys."
"Okay I'll be there in ten." I hung up and pulled off.
When I pulled up to the spot. They was all outside just chilling. Trappin I seen some lightskin chick all in Rizzo's face. It's like he had absolutely no love for me anymore. So disrespectful that he does his bullshit in my face and behind my back.

I walked up and she waved at him and walked away. I grilled her then I put my eyes on Rizzo. He just stood there smiling like some player or something. With years on and off with so much disrespect and bullshit. I had even got two abortions in the past for this stupid nigga. I was just starting want to just be completely done with this nigga. 

"Who was that? I hope that bitch not fucking you." I started just going off. The constant disrespect was just pissing me off. He got this weird look in his eyes. Then  he just out of the blue within seconds just back handed me in the face. Then pulled me by hair in front of everyone outside. "Bitch don't you ever come in face questioning me about shit.You hoe. You so fucking disrespect. So let this teach you a lesson." He let go of my hair and fixed his clothes and went back to laying up against the wall.

Just like nothing didn't happen. Rizzo had everyone so scared of him supposedly they didn't even stop him or say anything. He's been violent before but this was the last straw for me. I don't think I can take anymore after this.
"Now that you are not running your mouth you can listen. I need you to go this address. It's something I need you to take care of. No bitching and complaining just get it done. Bring my money back. They will be expecting you around seven-thirty. You got a hour or two to go get your self together. Get the hell out of my face too." He slipped this piece of paper with the address on it in my hand then walked away.

Rizzo and his friends went in a group and started talking and laughing like it was just nothing. Since he wanted to play big dog. I was going to make sure I tied up ends with this nigga. He was going to publicly embarrass me like that. Then think I'm not going to do nothing? How could he think for a second he could play with me this badly. I go to hard abut my respect. He's definitely got me mistaken.I left and went home to shower.

What really was on my mind, was that he said "They". I've slept with guys for years from time to time like Rizzo asked. But never more then two at a time. I was just for some reason thinking hard with this one. 
I didn't know what I was going to do but I know one thing I'm going to do is boss up. Even if that means I have to be a savage.

I got in the shower. When I got out I noticed my face was slightly bruised. It was a little sore. But I just began doing my hair and makeup. I was going to wear some simple then hopefully get some time to change. I had to spend a little more extra time on my makeup since it was painful and I had to cover it up. I did a pretty good job covering up the bruise, it just a little painful.

I made my way to them got there by seven-fifteen. I had a hotel key waiting for me down stairs. So I went straight up. I got the room, it was room 605. I put the key card in and opens the door. I walked in and saw at least four guys all chilling around. They all looked at me. They eyed me like a piece a steak and they hadn't eaten in days. I felt so overwhelmed. I had my gun on me just in case anything went wrong. Rizzo always told me since day one to bring it just in case.
How I'm feeling it's fuck what this nigga said. I wasn't going to go through with this but if I was going to really fuck this nigga I'm going to hit him in his pockets first. This wasn't a fuck fest. It was a fucking stick up. I had to play it cool first.

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