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Running the streets with the boys keeping my daughter and the family safe was a priority. I came home one night and I saw my lovely wife in the kitchen cooking. With everything going on , the one person I know I can count on the most is Veronica.
"Hello Honey?" She kissed my lips and went back to cooking. "How was your day? What y'all get into?"
"Well I went with Cruz for a few , shit made some move and we got some intel." I explained.
"Intel on who?"
"Baby I haven't got a chance to talk to Nana about this but I really don't think you guys need to kill that girl. I mean even though she did what she did."
"Baby it's different rules for the streets. If you show disloyalty you become the enemy. The enemies have to die. Simple."
"She is a mother. How would you feel if someone killed me."
"Baby I would be devastated. But it's not about us it's about her. She killed Cameron while he was on the phone with Nana. She made him call her . Just to purposely hurt her. Cameron was a father , husband and businessman. Amelia and Noah are the kids that don't have a dad. This is personal."
"Wow this has went too far."
"Let's not to mention that Semaj could of died. That would have been even harder to deal with. Nana fell in love with him and you know that's going to go bad. And to lose him she would feel like everything is gone. I can't see my baby girl hurt like that anymore."
"I understand but Nana had to understand if the shoe was on the other foot. Would she want someone to take her away from Noah, Princess or Prince. Let's not forget how she was his mother when this Trina girl went MIA."
"Baby it's the price that everyone has to pay for all the bad things they do. Nana did no wrong and sadly she was in love with someone that didn't want Trina and now it became like a battle of love that Nana never asked For."
"You are are my husband. Nalaysia is my daughter. I need y'all to be careful. No matter how close y'all think y'all are . Trina get the upper hand every time and it's putting y'all in a major set back. I can't lose you guys." Veronica started crying. I could only hold her in my arms.
Protecting my family was all I ever wanted to do. That's the reason I faked my death before. I came back because I saw how much damage I brought to my family. Since Veronica wanted to try for another baby it's been hard for her to settle with knowing it's not possible. Tons of doctors and since her drug history and health problems a baby would be a no way, she's been down since the news. Nana and I being all that she has , she's been worried about this little street war with Trina.
"We both want the same thing. To protect our family. I'll watch over our daughter you just keep your head up and be strong like you've always been." I kissed her forehead.

Later that night while we was in bed watching a movie. I got a call from Cruz. He was telling me to meet him at the club. When the streets call you got to go see what's going on.
"What's happened?" Veronica asked jumping you out the bed. I continued to gather my things.
"Look baby they called me down to the club. I guess they want to talk about some shit. I'll call you if anything." I kissed her on the lips then I headed out the door. This wasn't my lifestyle. I was a 9-5 type dude. Who made a deal with the devil and then almost lost. I learned a lot off the grid like how to adapt and control your instincts in certain situations.

When I got to the club. I saw Nana and Semaj talking with Cruz. I walked over to join. I gave my daughter a hug and kiss.
"So Dad I had to go talk with e detective today and they was coming down hard on me. They really think I'm the one causing the madness. I'm honestly scared they can't take me from kids about some shit that happened to me." Nana explained.
"Look we just have to beat them to their game. If we shut down all the possible ways to to connect you or to dismiss this crazy shit they won't have a case to build. Meaning we might have to kicked down some doors. Plus I already got you my lawyer he gets me off most the time but the case I did time for I did not so much time. I pretty sure he'll win this cuz there is no case. " Semaj responded coming to comfort her on the other side.
"Look what we doing? Cuz I'm ready to cut this shit loose." I asked.
"I say we go pay this dude name Price a visit. He is Trinas cousin they were dead close if she want a war let go. Just know I always win. I know he will give up something to catch this Bitch." Semaj explained.
For hours we made plans. Then we also put everyone on a task. Cruz and I went to visit a couple of people. Nana kept her usual business move. We kept our eyes open while out. Being prepared for whatever. Days went by but then we finally caught that bitch. We were out for a night at the club. We were drinking in our section. I would of missed her if I was so busy admiring how happy Nana had been since her and Semaj were on good terms again. I then spotted her posted up in the cut. She was bold and dumb enough to be available to the public.

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