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The struggle to keep my life as balanced as possible is indeed a struggle. With a relationship going slowly down the drain. Then having to be a business woman take care of securing the bag. Let's not forget the kids. Being new to Motherhood is all so different from what I'm so used to. To take a moment to relax was a MUST. So I called up Kennedy and Danny to do some shopping.

"See being with my girls and doing some shopping is what I needed the most." I said looking at myself in a nice skin tight dress. My after the baby body was great. I had hips and ass every where it was no more petite little old me.
"Girl Princess did you justice. Your body is sexy. You thicker than a snicker." Kennedy joked.
"Shut up." I just laughed.
"So how you feel about being the maid of honor for your mother's wedding?" Danny asked.
"I'm happy for my parents."
"That's good. They have came along way."
"On the other hand is you and Cameron still fighting?" Kennedy asked.
"Yeah sadly most of the time it's all
We do. Then again there are times where I realize why I fell in love with him."
"Just look at it from his point of view. What if his first love got in some mess and he wanted to do his absolute best for her. With you and the family y'all
got going on. How would you feel then?" Danny asked.
"I understand that part of it, but if he trust me and really loves he would know that I love him. And I wouldn't choose Semaj over him."
"You being in the position as his woman means you have to reassure that." Kennedy added.
"I hear you guys." I wasn't trying to make Cameron feel any type of way. He had been the only one who made me feel complete after the break up with Semaj. Cameron accepted me for who I was , pregnant and all. Then I made him feel let down.

After the mall Kennedy went to get her son then Danny and I went back to my house to chill.

"How was the other night?" Danny asked. Referring to the Riyah situation.
"Things got messy but I think I made my point." I said with a big smile. Deep down I hated that things got messy. I never wanted to have to kill anyone but with no one taking me serious it was hard to stay a saint.
"What is the overall goal?"
"To get Trina."
"Then what? You have to know."
"I want her to feel Like her back is against the wall and everything is hitting her like a bolder just like how she made me feel."
"Think about Prince. He loves
You and his dad and if he could understand what going on he would maybe agree that his mom was wrong. But you can't take a mother from a child. You didn't have your father at one point and you didn't have a mother at one point. Right now he doesn't have a father and he might lose his mother depending on how how far you take this. Trina deserves the worst. That I agree with but it has to be a better way to do it." Danny explained.
"Look I'll think about it. I love prince the last thing I want is for him to blame me for the death of his mother."
"I love you and I have to head home I got a date tonight." Danny began to walk to the door.
"Umm with whom?" I asked with my arms crossed.
"His name is Bryce. I met him at the supermarket."
"Wow well tell me the details at work tomorrow."

After Danny left I got some paper work done then I began dinner. Cameron home hours later.
"Cam can we talk?" I asked.
"Wassup?" Cameron sat at the table with me.
" I'm sorry for how things have been lately."
"Babygirl I'm good. Yeah I could be more of a help and I know you are just under a lot of stress."
"I made your favorite tonight."
"Oh really what's that?"
"Fried chicken with mashed potatoes and corn."
"Thats right. My baby knows how to make it happen." Cameron kissed all over me.
"Baby I really do love you. Semaj is my child's father and I have love for him but you are my world. I would be crushed if I lost you." I just stared in his sexy brown eyes.
"Prove it." Cameron got on one knee and pulled out a small box. When he opened it revealing a big diamond ring. I covered my mouth and began to cry. Cameron and I had been together for almost a year and half and things were clearly getting serious.
"Will you Marry me?" Cameron asked.
"Yes!" Nana jumped up and down. When she finally called down Cameron slid the ring on her finger.
"Baby it's beautiful."
"Not more than you. I kept my word to make you my wife."
"I'm happy you did keep your word now we get to spend the rest of our lives together."

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