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I sat in my living room with the lights out and a bottle of Hennessy in my hand. I had been drinking away my pain. Semaj was so tied into so much stuff that it was all falling on me. Cameron's was going to be out of town for a few days handling business. The kids where with Tori so I was alone to get myself together.

A knock came to the door. I sat the bottle down and I walked over to the door. I didn't need to ask who it was cause I knew just who it was. I opened the door and there stood Annie.

"Hey you said you wanted to see me?" Annie asked.
"Yeah you should come in." She walked past me and I picked up my gun from inside my purse on the table and I took off the safety and I aimed at her. She sat and turned around and saw me holding the gun to her.

"What's going on Nana?" Annie asked frightened.
"I should be asking you. My trust has been fucked with all my life. I built my store up on my own. I refuse to let you bring my shit down. I thought I saw my old young self in you but I'm starting to see we are nothing alike."
"Before you say a word you better think carefully about what you say."
"Look I don't know what you are talking about but I would never cross you. You are the only one who gave me a chance and believed in me. I'm just trying to do good for myself. Please put the gun down and let's talk about whatever it is." Annie pleaded.

I took her suggestion I put the gun down slowly and I carried it over with me to the couch to sit. Annie came and sat on the other couch across from me.
"Annie what you doing working for me?" I asked.
"I'm working to get on my feet."
"You got any family?"
"Would you have a sister named Trina."
"Yeah. What does my sister have to do with my job?"
"Little bitch if you don't shut the fuck up! You trying to play dumb and I'm not some dumb ass bitch."
"What are you talking about?"
"Look Trina and I don't run in the same circles. Why am I just now finding out that's your sister? I invited you in my business and made sure you was good. Now this shit just falls out the air. Explain." I pointed the gun dead in her face. I was ready to kill this bitch if I felt any vibe. I wasn't going to be played with any longer.
"Look Trina and I are sisters I don't get along with her so much. She always was rough with me. She treated me like shit our whole lives. So I been on my own since our mom wasn't in our lives and we didn't have each other. I moved in with my aunt and left her behind. She came to New York and got with some guy named Semaj and then I found out a few years later she had a son. When things went wrong with my aunt I came to live in New York with my sister but she just treated me with so much hate. My sister struggled more than me because I choose to stay on a good path she wanted to have that rough life. Now she blames me for how we both turned out. Now I'm trying to get on my own and away from her. I stay with my best friend as of right now. That's the truth I swear I didn't know anything about you. I saw you had the hiring sign and I applied. I needed the money."

"So you never knew that Semaj and I used to date and that my daughter is his child too?"
"No. I don't have a close relationship with my sister. All we do is fight and pull further a part from each other."
"Look you don't understand how deep this is. I'm sorry for pulling the gun out on you like that. Your sister told on Semaj and sent him away for eight years just because she was jealous of how Semaj had so much love for me. I dated him years later after they broke up due to her addiction. And then when she came home from rehab Semaj and I were on bad terms and He cheated on me with her and that's when I broke up with him for good. I later found out I was pregnant. He also went back to dating her. It's just a bunch of drama and bullshit. Now I want her to pay for the drama and the pain she is bring on me. Your sister wants me to be gone as well." I explained. Annie was in disbelief of how much Trina and I had going on.

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