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Maniac had been gone for months and I had to handle things for myself. Maniac had been writing and calling but I hadn't been answering. Sadly our son lost his father but for once I was finally safe away from Maniac.

"Baby what time did you get in last night?" I asked Jungle my boyfriend. Jungle and I met at a club that I began stripping at to keep up with bills and to take care of Major. Major was almost one years old.
"I was home early this morning. I had a late night with my cousin." Jungle explained.
"I really hate that Trina and you are like business partners. Since she is dating you're cousin .She is just wrong."
"First off that ain't my business partner that's my cousin's bitch."
"First off watch how you talk to me! I'm not no bitch on the street. Baby I just feel like she is just a shady person and I can't have something happen to you or me because of that hoe."
"Look I'm good and you good too. I'll make sure nothing happens to Major or you."
"I know baby. I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off planning his birthday."
"Trust me you'll get the party in order I need you to go pick up some packages for me."
"Where at?"
"My cousin's house Trina will be there to give you the bag it should be five kilos in there. Bring the bag to the club and I'll get it from you at work."
"Be careful with my shit."
"Boy I gotchu." Nana is my best friend. I feel our relationship is slightly changing. But I truly do love her. Jungle has his ways but he is a great provider for Major. Manic drove me away ,  I can't help I fell in love with Jungle. Trina dating his cousin just puts me in a disposition and I hate it but our love is deep and I can't lose that.

The next day I went to meet up with Nana. She said it was important so I met her at a cafe for lunch. She had her hair perfectly straightened. She had on some jeans and a Gucci shirt with matching Gucci sneakers. My best friend was a all out fly girl.

"Hey Best." I said giving her a hug then began taking a seat. Nana didn't look too happy but she played it off with a fake smile. She was always horrible at hiding if something was wrong in my opinion. She practically wore her heart on her sleeve. It's hard just not to notice.

"Wassup." Nana replied with less excitement then I did. So I knew it had to be a problem.

"What's up? I see you got some attitude or whatever. I got things to do so tell me what was so important?"
"You keep secrets from me now?" Nana asked.
"Excuse me?" I didn't have a clue what she was referring to, but clearly something she found out , supposedly about me got her in a bad place. I can only think of one thing that could be the problem. Jungle.
"Did I stutter?"
"Nana first off don't talk to me like that. Two I don't keep secrets what are you talking about?" I didn't want to say the wrong thing so I continued to act like it was nothing.

"Then who the fuck is Jungle?" I didn't know how Nana found out about Jungle but I knew right then and there she knew what I knew. So this was bad. Really bad.
"He's a friend." I started." Well he was at first. Then I finally got comfortable and I fell for him. We moved in together. I still kept my condo because it was paid for and I was on the deed. just in case of emergencies. Now why does who I date matter to you?" I explained. I knew Trina dating his cousin made it a problem but I can't ruin my happiness for Trina , Semaj. Not even for Nana.
"You can't possibly think I'm that stupid. This is my life you playing with. Jungle is Rizzo's cousin and you knew that. Which means you know Trina is his bitch. Knowing that I'm after her, why would you let me go out my way to start beef with a bitch you already knew was still around. I thought you was my best friend. You a rat just like her, I see." Nana just went off on me.

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