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"What's what?" Raheem remained calm as he feigned confusion, Andrea looked at the neutral expression that had now formed on his face and suddenly took a moment to evaluate the situation at hand. She glanced from him to the strands hanging between her fingers. "Andrea?" He began to massage her tense shoulders as he anticipated her next move. It had occurred to her that her own guilt may have been clouding her judgement. How could she even let such ideas seep into her mind? Raheem had done nothing but adore her and parade her around proudly. Maybe her mind really was playing tricks on her because of her own transgressions?

"Er...erm...m-my weave is shredding its disgusting..." She mumbled as she discarded the stray hairs and offered a forced smile to her boyfriend. Raheem himself, was a little taken aback by his own performance. He wasn't quite sure how he was able to play it so cool. He felt Andrea's warm, soft hands glide down his torso and sighed, closing his eyes. He felt himself relax once he knew that she had relaxed somewhat. Raheem understood that he cared deeply for Andrea; that had to be it.

The panic that hit him when he had seen the expression on her face and pieces of Talula's hair in her hand, took him by surprise. He must have cared for her deeply because being so deceitful had never been part of his character. It was not in his nature. And even though Andrea was doing some amazing things with her mouth to him, Raheem could no longer concentrate on the present. He just had a sickly feeling that this wouldn't end up being the happily ever after that he had hoped for. It was more than a gut feeling; common sense told him that Talula had only just begun her meddling within his relationship. But he told himself that she was worth it, no matter who tried to come between them, Raheem promised himself he would fight for Andrea.
"Dre..." Raheem rolled off her, panting and trying to get his breathe back. Andrea turned her naked, moist body towards him as she heard him address her. She threw her leg over his bare thigh, watching him intently. Raheem groaned at the sight of her in that instance. His heart pounded as his eyes lowered into slits. He hated feeling so vulnerable, being this infatuated and caught in this bubble with this girl. But at the same time he loved the feeling, it was raw and new. It was so aggressive and undeniable.

Andrea bit her lip and reached her hand down, and proceeded to stroke him slowly. "You know I..." He paused, his thick tongue running along the width of his wet bottom lip, " you init?" Raheem stammered, attempting to keep his composure. This was the side of him that very few people had witnessed before.
"Really boo? don't sound so sure." She smirked. Raheem grabbed her wrists suddenly with his stronger, larger hands. Her smile faltered when she saw the seriousness on his face. He had her hands pinned down as he dipped his head and his mouth was met by an already erect nipple. Andrea sighed, her toes curled while her eyes began closing. She hissed when she felt him bite her sharply. Andrea wasn't sure if she was ready for another round; regardless, she felt Raheem rub her sore lips with precision. "Rah-"
"Hmm..." He kissed her neck with an urgency; licking its length and then nibbling on her skin. His body language and movements set her urges alight. Then Raheem lazily nestled his head on her shoulder. Andrea felt warm instantly, she held his head lovingly, stroking the skin at the edge of his ears. In that moment, she felt content. But in reality...she didn't know if she truly was. The pair lay there knowing that that had been the best sex they had ever had together.

Both felt guilt overwhelm them. Both knowing they'd made love to each other with other people on their mind.
Cynthia walked into the library just as a few other students also rushed in. She ignored that fact that a few individuals had barged in front of her in their haste to claim the few remaining vacant laptops. Many people had assignments due this week and were trying to get work done before their day at college commenced. She repeated a line to a J Cole song that had been stuck in her head since the day before. When she walked further into the room, Cynthia was shocked to see Kobe here so early in the day. If there was one thing she knew about Kobe, it was that he was not a morning person; hence his grumpy behaviour in the early hours of their college days. She was relatively close to where he was sitting, and just by his demeanour Cynthia could sense that he was tired. He had the hood part of his Armani tracksuit jumper over his head, and his head tilted to one side resting on his palm.
"Is it that bad?"
Kobe looked up slowly and kissed his teeth in frustration, he hadn't even noticed her approaching. "You alright?" At first, it seemed like it was even an effort for him to speak to Cynthia. She observed how his eyes scanned over her body before meeting her amused eyes. It was far from a lustful stare, Cynthia was aware that he was just looking at what she was wearing. A smirk played on his lips before he spoke again. "Nah this workload is tryna finish me. I just want a stogie and my bed right now..." He sulked.
"Awww, look at you." Cynthia giggled as she sat down opposite him, thrusting her bag in the table.
"Allow it man."
"Whatever. Have you finished English yet?"
"Basically just need to proof read and that, you?"
"Same." Kobe stuck his tongue out at her, knowing she was slightly taken aback but attempted to conceal this from him.
"Hmm." Cynthia glanced up to Kobe smiling at her. "What man?" She snapped playfully.
"Huh?" His large eyes met hers, he scratched his freckled nose before looking away. "Ah, nah nothing man." Kobe appeared to be focusing on his work but what had stolen his attention was sitting right in front of him. Kobe couldn't quite place what intrigued him the most about her. Why did he always want to know what was on her mind. Sometimes she'd look at him and he'd feel an urge to ask her what she was thinking. And then he thought about he liked being around her, she was someone that he felt comfortable with and could always talk to. Kobe had always known how mature Cynthia was, and as messed up as it sounded; because she was so unlike her sister, it made him like her more.

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