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All of you must keep awake (give strict attention, be cautious and active) and watch and pray, that you may not come into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak.

Matthew 26:41.

Cynthia swiped away the stray plait that the wind had blown onto her face, almost hyperventilating at the thought of the presentation that she had to do in her English Literature class at the end of the week. She exhaled deeply, thinking of a good enough excuse that would allow her to get out of doing it. However, she was certain that there was really no avoiding it. If Cynthia was completely honest with herself, right then, being involved in a collision felt like an easier option than standing up in a room full of pubescent adolescents and analysing Act 4 of Othello. Her bright almond shaped eyes darted towards the road, she laughed in her head; somewhat amused by the absurd thoughts that surged her mind. Somehow, Cynthia's imagination was her comfort, words alone were unable to adequately depict the anxiety that dwelled within her. That morning, Cynthia had left home annoyed because she'd had to wait for her older sister to do her makeup which meant that they had left home almost 15 minutes behind schedule. Cynthia had already eaten her breakfast, and so found herself observing Andrea as she applied additional concealer underneath her eyes, which actually accentuated her cheekbones. The mass of mascara she applied caused her eyes to appear bigger and made her look even cuter; but she was beautiful so Cynthia was genuinely confused as to why she felt she needed to wear all of that stuff every single day. She could never really be angry with Andrea though, she just needed her to hurry up.

"Two minutes man." Andrea muttered, reading Cynthia's mind whilst glancing over at her through the mirror. Her plump lips then drew into a tight pout as she concentrated on highlighting her cheekbones. Cynthia redid the laces of her Converses for the second time; it was just something for her to do. Andrea's iPhone sat at the edge of the sink and relentlessly vibrated every few minutes. This didn't come as a surprise to Cynthia as Andrea had a relatively large following on all social media platforms. When she saw her brushing her dark curly hair into place, Cynthia knew they could finally leave. Andrea hurriedly threw on her hooded jacket whilst Cynthia opted for an oversized black bomber. As soon as they left the house, Cynthia was pacing down the street and yet somehow Andrea seemed to be walking faster than her. They hopped on the first bus that came as they were going to meet up with Andrea's friend, Rhiannon before making their way to sixth form. 5 stops later, Andrea and Cynthia got off the bus, they needed to walk a short distance to an alternative bus stop where they could get a bus directly to sixth form. Andrea messaged Rhiannon to inform her that they were almost at the bus stop.

A matte black BMW 1 series M Sport came accelerating towards them from the top of the road, the driver then floored the brakes, coming to sudden stop right beside where Andrea and Cynthia were walking along. The bass of the car speakers illuminated their immediate surroundings as Grind Don't Stop by Tion Wayne blared out. Cynthia's left palm flew up to her chest as she felt a concoction of apprehension and intrigue take a firm hold of her. Andrea swiftly hid the smirk that played on her lips and rolled her eyes at the car while she continued to message her friend. The tinted window finally rolled down but Andrea was already walking off, Cynthia jogged to catch up with her as the car continued to slowly cruise along beside them.

"Ay Andrea, I'm just gonna keep driving beside you, you might as well stop." As though the driver's grating tone had commanded them, they both turned towards the car. Cynthia observed the driver's smooth caramel skin, the white gold fangs that sat on both edges of his top row of pearly white teeth and the Cartier Drive de Cartier watch that adorned the wrist that held onto the car's steering wheel. Although he was seated, slouched down in the seat of his luxury vehicle, the driver was just as domineering and intimidating as he would have been if he were looming over them. Cynthia was uneasy and tense, just like every other time that they crossed paths.

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