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"I don't get why if he forgave Morgan, he can't then forgive Raheem."

"Why would he do that?"

"But you guys are like brothers."

"Were like brothers." Kobe's eyebrows stitched together thoughtfully as he mumbled under his breath as though he himself didn't want to hear what he was saying.

"From what you've told me, there was a lot of love between them at one point right?"

"Exactly." Kobe's response was measured yet still held an irritated urgency.

"So...deep down, the love must still be there right?" Cynthia queried him hopefully.

"This is what I me-Cynthia, you obviously aren't understanding me." He let out a low grumble, shifting his eyes away from her. "The fact that they had mad love for each other is what makes the situation so peak. You really need to deep what Raheem did to him. Think about it." Kobe prodded his temple several times with a consistent aggression.

"But would you really hurt someone that you once loved?"

"We ain't talking about me. We're talking about Prince."

"I feel like you're just thinking the worst of your brother, you know." She admitted, watching Kobe's face morph into one of disbelief. Cynthia sensed he was holding back from responding from the way his jaw clenched. It was ever so subtle but she didn't miss it. "What's wrong with you?"

"It's cool man, you don't get it." He was definitely holding back and it was beginning to irritate Cynthia. She didn't like where she could feel this was going.

"It's cool?" Kobe's stony expression caused Cynthia to reel back in surprise. This wasn't him. "You're getting stressed for no reason."

"You're just chatting bare now." He snapped, suddenly becoming suffocated by her gullibility. Kobe was mirroring Prince in that moment and channelling all those vibes his brother usually exuded.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Cynthia snarled in distaste, disregarding the fact that her expression would only intensify the tension that was steadily brewing between the them.

"Exactly what I said." Kobe scoffed, regretting that he had even confided in Cynthia in the first place. Instead of feeling some degree of relief, he was simply consumed with frustration. Kobe had expected to receive a sense of release and yet, he was still constrained by his predicament. In that moment, all he could feel was frustration. Frustrated that Raheem had been so cold. Frustrated that Prince could be this stubborn. Frustrated that Morgan had allowed this all to happen. But most of all, he was frustrated that Cynthia didn't understand. But then again, how could she? She would never really know all their history as she hadn't been there. "You're chatting shit, about shit you don't really know about." As he spoke, his hand moved beside him, demonstrating how impatient he was becoming with her. "Fix your face man, you don't want problems with me." Their eyes collided, Cynthia's slicing into Kobe's with an expression which was a mixture of fury and hurt.

The irony of the situation was that Kobe had been drawn in by Cynthia's innocence and naivety and those were the very things which were causing anger to swell up in his chest. He knew it wasn't her fault but the whole situation had left Kobe agitated. He needed to vent to his girlfriend and obtain some useful advice and instead Cynthia had offered him her overtly optimistic perspective. Her view had only triggered his fears because they forced him to come to terms with how far removed her perspective was from the harsh reality of the situation.

He was beyond annoyed.

"Since when did you start talking to me like that?" Seeing Kobe getting this worked up shook her up a little, his usual calm and collected demeanour was nowhere to be seen.

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