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Even as Raheem left the house and walked back to his car, Prince refused to remove his eyes from him. The sardonic expression Raheem had been wearing continued to reoccur on his mind mockingly.

As Kobe surveyed the scene silently, he felt the urge to question his brother but he could already predict what Prince's response would be. Although he was filled with bewilderment and frustration, he was never one to allow his emotions to drive his actions so he thoughtfully walked through the hallway and up the stairs towards his bedroom. He was just very annoyed that Prince saw fit to keep whatever it was that he was hiding from him, he couldn't understand why as they trusted each other with everything. He could feel that something else had happened, something terrible, something he was wasn't aware of.  In the pit of his stomach, somewhere deep inside of him, Kobe felt as though he had a rough idea what it was that happened. But he was going to find out for sure exactly what had transpired.

Once Prince was satisfied that Raheem had driven away, he closed the front door and turned to see Kobe walking up the stairs. 

Morgan watched Kobe trudge into his bedroom as the spare room was wide open, the dormant expression that rested on his face was a result of what he had just witnessed. Kobe didn't even peer towards her direction, she heard his door slam shut as soon as he walked into his room. Morgan's eyes trailed down to the bed as to ensure the noise hadn't woken Reagan from his sleep. She stood up to close the door when she saw Prince coming up the stairs. Their eyes collided as he approached the doorway, both of them feeling a myriad of emotions towards the other.

Morgan was tense and so was Prince.

Ever since Morgan had confessed the truth to him, it had been a downward spiral for their relationship. It was only recently that they had made any real progress, beforehand, their relationship had been hanging by its seams. At times, Prince resented the fact that he couldn't help but be with her, he couldn't make sense of his life without Morgan in it. 

He needed her, he always had. 

But as soon as Prince had discovered what she had done with Raheem, his ego took a fatal blow. He found himself looking for comfort in the arms of another, constantly up under and inside this girl and that girl to make himself feel better. He knew it was wrong but his self-esteem regularly needed a boost. As he was adamant that he didn't want to let Morgan go, that had been his coping mechanism for their fucked up situation. He was still filled up with so much rage that he couldn't think properly, his mind was in a state of absolute chaos.

"What do you think you're doing?" Morgan questioned Prince as soon as he walked into the room. Kobe stood silently behind of the door his bedroom and listened out of Prince and Morgan's voices when he realised that Prince had come up from downstairs and was in the spare room with Morgan.

"Stop being so fucking loud man, he's sleeping." Prince shot her a cold glare as he closed the door quietly. "And what you even going on about?" Prince's eyes were small and he spat out every syllable - he was still seething.

"Don't treat me like I'm an idiot." Morgan watched him with a cynical expression. "I need you to tell me exactly what you are going to do." She was adamant to know what kind of terror Prince had brewing.

"Look at you, interrogating and making demands like some fucking fed. Don't you think you've done enough?" Morgan let his spiteful comment slide, knowing how he must have felt walking into the house and seeing her in a room alone with Raheem. She couldn't imagine the pain it caused for him to be reminded of her betrayal, the thought alone killed her.

She knew Prince, she knew how his mind worked. She knew he was just trying to get under her skin so that she would get off his back.

Morgan recollected the potential she initially saw in him when she had finally gotten to know Prince properly. She remembered telling herself she wouldn't given up on him, no matter how stubborn he was. Morgan would appeal to him in whatever way she could and if that didn't work, she would have to target his biggest weakness.

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