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"Bro, we're turning up, catch us in the club and we're burning buds. That's my nigga in the foreign, see him burning dust. Put my brother in jail said he's serving drugs, but that's work to us." Cynthia recorded a Snapchat video of Kobe emulating Fredo's grating monotone as he rapped along to every bar of the song's hook. After saving the video to her camera roll instead of uploading it to her story, Cynthia became preoccupied with how good his side profile looked from where she was sitting in the passenger seat. She realised, as she watched him suck in his bottom lip while he concentrated on driving, that when she was around Kobe the butterflies in her stomach were a constant. Kobe blazed down the road, the volume was so loud that the speakers thumped against them and the entire vehicle was vibrating.

"Kobes!" Cynthia had no choice but to bellow over the music. She watched as Kobe turned to her briefly before his focus returned back to the traffic lane that he was in. "Kobes, we're gonna be late you know."

"What did you say?" Both of his eyebrows lifted up a fraction as he glanced over at Cynthia once more, reaching over to his media system in order to reduce the volume.

"I said we're gonna be late for college."

"What's the time?"

"8.41." Cynthia fussed.

"We've got 20 minutes, I'll be there in 10."

"Don't kill us oh, I'm just trying to get there in time for registration."

"You're good C, don't worry." Kobe rested his hand on her right thigh reassuringly, allowing their eyes to connect for a moment. Cynthia nibbled on the inside of her mouth as a plethora of filthy thoughts seeped into her mind, part of her was wishing they hadn't left for college and finished what they had started instead. She sat back in her seat and closed her eyes, trying her hardest to revisit the place Kobe took her to when his hands were on her bare skin. Cynthia let out an amused breath through her nose, feeling Kobe's free hand squeeze her thigh a little. "We're almost there, don't fall asleep now."

"I'm not falling asleep." She murmured, her eyes hazy with lust.

"Oi don't move mad, I'll turn this car around now you know." When Kobe caught the seductive look on Cynthia's face, he was slightly taken aback. Nothing excited him more than knowing that he brought this side out of her. It did a lot to his ego knowing that she was longing for him. He hadn't been sure what to expect from her but he had been pleasantly surprised, sensing that she had the potential to be a very naughty girl. "Ah man, it's peak for you." He laughed heartily, showcasing all his gleaming white teeth.

"How can you say I'm moving mad?" Cynthia shook her head and giggled, feeling her shoulders shake as she did so.

"You think I don't know what you're thinking right now, dirty girl. You're a bad one on the low init? Hmm." Kobe captured his bottom lip with his teeth as he peered at his girlfriend. "I see you, C." He winked at her. "Say nothing." Cynthia tried to bury her smirk behind her hands before she unlocked her phone and replied to Layla's message.

Lovely to meet you too. I'm good thanks and you? Just on my way to sixth form ☺️

She looked back down at her phone once she realised that Kobe was cruising into their sixth form's car park, it was 8.52. Just like he had promised, they had made it on time. Cynthia witnessed how students' heads turned and their attention was drawn to Kobe's car as he searched the circumference of the area for a vacant space. She felt apprehensive as so many eyes seemed to fall into her direction, Cynthia had to keep reminding herself that they couldn't even see into the car because of the dark tinted windows. It was also a reminder that her and Kobe were no longer in their secluded cocoon where it was just the two of them, they weren't in their private love bubble or alone and isolated. When they were together in public or around other people, it just felt different. Cynthia already knew she preferred having Kobe all to herself, in private. Although Kobe made her feel very much secure, she still couldn't help but feel insecure about what other people might think about their relationship. So Cynthia was more than happy to keep their relationship on the down low.

"Can I get a kiss before you run along to registration?" Kobe pouted his lips and edged in towards Cynthia. She smiled and pressed her lips on his, giving him a hasty peck. "Oi, you're moving stingy wid it." His eyebrows furrowed.

"Stop saying oi, it's annoying."

"I actually can't help it." Kobe tittered.

"Anyway bye, I need to go."

"Oi, nuts." He remarked as Cynthia picked up her large bag full of books and exited his car. Cynthia stood outside the car as Kobe was getting out, placing the straps of her bag on her shoulder. When she glanced up, Raheem immediately caught her eyes. He too had just parked not far from where she was standing, Cynthia quickly diverted her vision.

"Bye babe."

"Yeah bye." As she walked away from Kobe's car, she observed the two of them greet one another. She detected the fact that the way they interacted with each other had altered, it wasn't obvious but there were some subtle changes. Cynthia knew that Kobe was genuinely pleased to see Raheem, however there was definitely a slight shift in his mood. It promptly reminded her of the text she was yet to question Kobe about, the one he had sent her the day before. It hadn't crossed her mind to enquire about it until then but now she was adamant that it had something to do with Raheem. Cynthia didn't turn around as she made her way into the building but she could just imagine Raheem stealing glances at her whilst he stood there talking to Kobe.

As she had predicted, Kobe happily skipped registration. He would probably just be making his way straight to his first lesson once he was done socialising in the student's car park. Cynthia's first lesson of the day was History, she made her way to the Humanities corridor. She was already imagining the banter that Mr Pearson and Micah were going to provide her during the double lesson with their usual bickering.

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