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I felt like myself when I walked to college with Maria, Kobe and Micah with my fresh long braids in. I had it in a high ponytail and I felt good. Andrea had taken a day off college as she claimed she had period pains, knowing how moody she had been lately I was sure that was just a lie. Perhaps she'd had a falling out with one of her minions or Raheem and she just couldn't face seeing them in college. I actually didn't care. Part of me had washed my hands of her because I was sickened by her behaviour, I tried to look at it from her perspective and I couldn't see why she would treat another person the way she was treating Raheem. I was truly fearful of his reaction if he ever found out the truth about Andrea; which was why I prayed for her sake that he never did.

I was standing in the corridor outside the library after just exchanging numbers with Raheem. I watched his tall frame walk away from me and I waited for my heart rate to return to its normal rhythm. I was jealous. He was yummy and gorgeous and tall and loveable. Every time we finished speaking I wished he would stay a little longer, I wished I'd would say something funny that made him laugh or asked a question that required a lengthy answer from him. It was sad but I just wanted to talk to him, our conversations were never enough for me. He seemed like a quiet person but I was sure he came alive and turned into a bubbly character once he was in the presence of his friends. I wanted to see him in that atmosphere, I craved to know the real Raheem. I had no business wanting to know everything about my older sister's boyfriend, I shouldn't want to but I did.
I smiled at the thought of spending more time with his mum, I was already imagining the jokes we would share and the fun we would have. It made me feel nice that he trusted me with his mother and his secret. As I walked back into the library and sat across from Micah, I received a Whatsapp message from Raheem.

Remember this stays between us, thanks again :)

I replied swiftly, making sure he knew that he could trust me and that no matter I wouldn't tell anyone. I couldn't help but click on his name and enlarging his profile picture. It was a picture of him, Kobe and another boy I didn't know. Raheem had a smirk on his face and even though it was only a picture I could look directly in his eyes. He was wearing a Gucci cap down to front, a dark knitted jumper and jeans. His skin appeared edible and his eyes were glinted. I didn't know how long it was that I had been lost in the picture for.

"Oiiiii man! I am ready to leave."

"Cynthia? What are you loo-" Micah snatched my phone from my hands and my eyes shot over the table to him. I gasped and begged for it back. He glanced at the picture and then back at me, first he was smiling and then a look of disbelief flashed across his face. "C-Y..." He glanced up at me as he paused dramatically. A mini heart attack was about to commence within me but I appeared neutral "Don't tell me you're feeling Raheem." He whispered, half laughing as he leaned across the table so that no one would hear him. I could have collapsed there and then. I couldn't have Micah having such an idea in his head.
"F*ck no." I snapped. "I was just preeing his picture."
"He's buff init." Micah grinned, sliding my phone back to me.
"P*ss off." I ignored him while stuffing my books into my bag.
"Finally!" Micah mimicked my actions, throwing his leather jacket on top if his black hoodie and standing up. "I wasn't tryna stay here til the end of the day." It was only midday and we had free periods after break and cancelled lessons in the afternoon, so they were heading home.

"What did he want anyway?"

"Mind your own." I stuck my tongue out at him, feeling my heart pound. I was started walking faster than him as I couldn't wait to jump on a bus and go home.
Once we sat at the bus stop and I realised Micah was on the phone to Amaka, making plans for that evening; I put my earphones in rolling my eyes. I was elated once the bus came and climbed on.
I got off first, I hugged Micah before walking towards the exit. He mouthed that he would call me later.

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