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Cynthia wasn't feeling as threatened by Prince as she should have and this was due to the fact that she was so consumed with a different type of fear. The nauseating feeling in her torso returned and began to intensify the more she contemplated Andrea's possible fate. Even in her distress, she observed Prince's strikingly handsome face, his rugged beauty which her sister had undoubtedly become infatuated by. Yet Cynthia wondered how Andrea could ever actually get involved with someone like him; everything about his demeanour was unsettling. A distinct contrast to his brother whom she felt stiffen at Prince's words, before moving from beside her to the edge of his bed. She watched Kobe exhale heavily as though he was quickly losing his patience. Kobe was usually someone who barely reacted to anything, especially if another person was attempting to anger or intimidate him. However, when it came to his brother, Cynthia was beginning to realise that Kobe's behaviour was entirely different. Kobe had always been a calm, cool-headed individual, he never had to raise his voice and lift his fists yet he was respected. Neither did he have to brag that Prince was his brother, everyone knew. He didn't cause or look for trouble so trouble didn't really find him, he was all in all a humble guy. He was hardly viewed as living in Prince's shadow because he was nothing like him. Kobe had always felt that Prince slightly resented him for this but he had kept that thought to himself.

"But Raheem has nothing to do with what she's done. No offence Cynthia, but you know I don't really care for your sister, and I'm not gonna lie this is all her fault." He addressed her before looking away and kissing his teeth. "But not Raheem man...isn't he the innocent one in all of this?" Kobe's eyebrows creased slowly as he regarded his brother and in an instance Prince's expression darkened but he remained silent. "He doesn't deserve this bro, regardless of what's happened between you two he's family. We can't keep doing him like this."

"Family yeah?" Prince grunted, before laughing bitterly illustrating that he was not actually amused. "He ain't no family of mine. Or yours." Their eyes locked as Prince spat out his final words, the tension was building amongst them with every second that went by. Cynthia was frozen in place still sat on Kobe's bed but a little distance away from him, knowing better than to interject. "Some people just can't control themselves, so they need to deal with consequences of their actions. No loyalty, no nothing. Makes me sick!" Cynthia understood that Prince was speaking about Andrea being disloyal to Raheem but she couldn't understand how he didn't see that he had done the same thing. Or was there something she had missed? "Fam, you can't always submit to the desires of your flesh una cus you'll surely land yourself in trouble." Prince peered away from Kobe towards Cynthia then back again before chuckling eerily. "It's just mad how your mind will demand you to stop f*cking with someone cus it's the best thing for you and yet even whilst knowing that, you do the opposite cus your heart has other plans." He began to shake his head, Cynthia didn't know whether or not he was insinuating that him and Andrea were not actually over. Kobe was not moved and neither was he amused by Prince's words of wisdom; he was convinced that his brother was high on amnesia.

"You're moving nuts una." Although Prince had always been a loose cannon, Kobe really could not make sense of his actions. "Like what has he actually done to you?" Kobe enquired nonchalantly. 

That was enough to trigger Prince.

"Listen, I don't like the way you keep defending him una." His eyes grew smaller as they zeroed in in Kobe.


"What do you mean why?

"Why? As in...I need to understand why you're doing this?! Let me know please, I'm actually sick of this sh*t!" Cynthia could not remember ever seeing Kobe in this state, and she became extremely nervous as she watched the scenes unfold right before her eyes. She flinched as Prince darted his Nokia towards Kobe, his aim was a little too powerful as the object hit the bottom of his mouth, immediately splitting his lip.

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