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Andrea immediately removed her wig, tossing it onto her bed and running her hands repeatedly over her neatly braided hair. She felt her temperature rising as she glared at Cynthia for some words of comfort. She needed her to say something, anything. But when Andrea looked at Cynthia all she offered her was a tortured expression that made her heart shoot straight down to her stomach. She knew this was serious and Cynthia wasn't playing games, she wouldn't dare do that.

Reality finally dawned on her and Andrea began to cry her eyes out. She was sick to her stomach when she thought about how Prince could do something so disgraceful to her, she had genuinely cared about him. Andrea already knew she wasn't the only person he was s*xually active with but she had never imagined he could be this disgusting. The disrespect was blatant and that was hard pill for Andrea to swallow. She regretted that they had used protection some times and not all of the times that they had had s*x.

She was hurt. She was scared. She was regretful. 

Her biggest worry and her biggest problem was Raheem. Ever since she had seen a snippet of the tyrant he could be, Andrea knew she had to do everything to ensure he knew nothing about all of this. The mere thought of Raheem finding out made her wail in horror, everything had been so perfect between them earlier. She had previously thought her biggest issue would be other girls trying to snatch him away when really, she was the one in the way of her own blessing.

Cynthia's delayed reaction to Andrea's heavy sobs was because she had been shocked by them. She crouched down on the floor where Andrea was sitting and embraced her.

"I'm actually finished, oh my gosh..." Andrea wiped her eyes, clutching onto Cynthia with her other hand. "Cynthia, what if I actually have it? What am I going to do?" Fresh tears were spilling from her eyes as she continued to cry. 

"Andrea you're going to be to fine, whatever happens, you will be ok." She reassured her. Although, they were currently at odds, Cynthia found it hard to watch Andrea's misery. She knew from Kobe that Andrea was not at all involved with Prince anymore and she could tell how much she was into Raheem. 

And it was now that karma had come to get her.

"It's not fine though! That prick has f*cked me over!" She gritted her teeth in fury.

"Regardless, I'm here for you. We will deal with this."

"I can't believe this, I feel like I'm this life?"

"Andrea, calm down." Cynthia rubbed her shoulders as she sensed Andrea was getting wound up over and over again.

"How can I be calm? How?"

"You have to be calm so we can deal with this as soon as possible."

"I'm finished, I'm actually finished."

"Prince ain't sh*t."

"I can't believe he did this to me." Andrea's face crumbled as she cried onto her folded arms.

"Andrea, don't cry man, it's ok."

"It's not." She sobbed. "It's really not."

"..." Cynthia didn't know what else to say, she just sat beside Andrea holding her and allowing her to cry as she kept thinking of the worse case scenario.

"Why are you screaming? Did somebody die? What's the matter?" Their mother ventured into Andrea's room with an expectant expression on her face. She peered from Andrea to Cynthia and back, both her daughters appeared dumbfounded. Her lengthy Senegalese twists swayed behind her as she approached them.

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