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"One skatty's given me chlamydia, f*ck sake." Prince kissed his teeth.

"Again?!" He could hear the amusement in Kobe's voice. "And why are you whispering, I'm sooooo confused."

"I'm at Morgan's, man was about to f*ck as well, I'm p*ssed. I just went to p*ss and this sh*t f*cking burns..." He continued in a hushed tone.

"Princeee man, you need to stop this baby boy lifestyle, you're a big yout." Kobe giggled, he was evidently high." Don't you learn?"

"Shut up man, call me in ten're my exit strategy so don't sheg man." He ended the call abruptly and sighed. Prince stood in the middle of Morgan's bathroom clutching his head in dismay, before he turned to open the door. He hesitated at first, trying to compile a good enough story before he left as he knew Morgan was good at seeing through his bullsh*t. "Sh*t you scare-" Prince was shocked to find Morgan standing at the door. The rage burning in her eyes stopped him in his tracks as well as his words. He watched her jaw clench as she glared at him, her fury was unmistakeable. "I-" She slapped him before he could even tell her a lie, she didn't want hear another thing from him. Then she punched him in his face and began to throw her hands everywhere in an attempt to hurt him.

Nothing could compare to the bullet she'd taken to her heart.

"Stop." Prince's chest heaved up and down as he grabbed Morgan roughly and slammed her against the wall behind them. He felt his lip swell and could taste the blood from the cut on the inside of his mouth.

"You little b*tch." She hissed, her wild eyes stared at him as though he was worthless. "You're a f*cking piece of sh*t."

"..." Prince chose to remain calm and not react to her words. But she truly knew how to trigger his temper.

"I hate you, you're an animal." Morgan panted but spoke in a measured tone as she remembered their son was fast asleep and she was really trying to control her own temper. "Let. Me. Go." Prince watched as a tear slid down her face and he felt physically sick. The consequence of his transgressions right before his eyes. He wasn't even going to bother feeding her lies, she meant more to him than that. But he didn't know how he was going to possibly make this wrong right.

"I love you Morgan."

"Don't f*cking do this, it's not going to work this time." His hands were still firmly restraining her, Morgan shook her head from side to side forcefully, causing her hair to fall out of the loose bun that it was in. She refused to acknowledge his troubled expression - the signs of genuine distress and regret on his face.

"But...I do though."

"You what?" She snarled, her eyes narrowing at the sound of his voice. Her loathing was evident.

"I f*cking love you man." His words were sincere, but the damage had been done.

"LOVE ME?!" She quickly lowered her voice. "Is this love Prince?" Her voice wavered, Prince could see pain etched all over her face. He felt her relax somewhat, she appeared...defeated. "Is this how you treat someone you love? The mother of your child...the one person who has always been there for you. You broke me." Prince suddenly averted his gaze, his unresponsiveness was causing her anger to rise once more. "You're f*cked up...and I'm truly tired."

"Sorry." His pathetic apology really drove her over the edge, she wiped the tears that began to fall and spat upwards in his face.

"That's what I f*cking think of your sorry, c*nt." She watched him step back and wiped her saliva from his eye and cheek. Morgan then took the opportunity to walk away from him. Barely missing a beat, Prince came charging behind her. This was one occasion where Morgan couldn't be sure of his next move, Prince had never been violent towards her but tonight both of their emotions were running high and anything could happen. He grabbed her by her arm and swung her around, his nostrils flared as his free fist tightened. She stood there before him emotionless, Prince slowly stroked her cheek. His eyes taking in her natural beauty, Morgan then witnessed his expression transform to one of genuine unhappiness. Almost instantly, her expression mirrored his own, he leaned forward so that his forehead rested on hers. Prince closed his eyes, just wanting to feel her close to him, to hear the rhythm of her breathing; he held her hands.

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