Character Introduction

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(All credits to the rightful owners.)

It is a Minsung centric story.

These appearances are more or less applicable throughout their highschool till the start of college. The ages given are when the time leap will take place (yes there's gonna be a time leap!) But the storyline begins before that. I will also state their natural hair colours.

The heights are same as the real life ones.

Here Minho, Bangchan and Changbin are the same age. They are classmates and best friends since childhood aka "the hawt popular trio."

Han, Hyunjin, Felix and Seungmin (basically the '00 line) are all two years younger than the hyungline. They too are classmates and best friends since childhood. (Han joins this group in middle school though.)

Jeongin is 3 years younger than the hyungline and 1 year younger than the '00 line.


Lee Minho●22 years old●Dark brown hair like that of his late mom's

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Lee Minho
●22 years old
●Dark brown hair like that of his late mom's.
●Has a very sarcastic and witty personality. Often comes off as narcissistic. Not at all into serious relationships. He only goes as far as one night stands and had quite a share of hook ups with both boys and girls. He runs away from commitments but is still called the highschool heartthrob and the college cold prince. The captain of the school and college basketball teams. Even though he usually puts on an indifferent exterior he is never rude and cares deeply for his friends. He is very protective of his younger brother, Felix even though they are step siblings. But they never treated each other as such.
●His mother died when giving birth to him.
His father was the owner and chairman of the Lee Industries. He died when Minho was seventeen due to heart disease. Minho is the sole heir to the company since Felix already made clear he has no interest in business.

Lee Felix●20 years old●Golden blonde hair (like his mom's

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Lee Felix
●20 years old
●Golden blonde hair (like his mom's.)
●An absolute angel. People are often pleasantly startled at hearing his deep voice for the first time since it starkly contrasts his other soft features. A social butterfly but he can turn on his sassy mode when needed. He adores his bffs gang and considers his Minho hyung as the bestest big brother ever. He loves to bake delicious brownies and cookies for everyone. Has a not so secret crush on one of his brother's best friends, Changbin (especially his huge biceps) since middle school.
●Misses his dad a lot. His mother, that is Minho's step mom is half Australian half korean. He doesn't share a particularly warm relationship with her since she always cared about her "important" business parties much more than him.

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