Chapter 6: Americano & Cheesecake

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(Credits to the rightful owners.)


Wordcount: 5.5k

Jisung P.O.V

The first day or rather night I met him, he told me something I'd never forget. Two simple words carved into my memory and heart.

"Welcome home."

But I often wonder if this house, this mansion was what he considered his home. He kept out of the Lee Manor more than what one would assume, given he was the renowed heir of the Lees. The sound of his motorbike decelerating outside the doors would always be startling. But again he just came back once in a while to get more clothes. He tends to avoid stepping inside the house altogether even more so when Mr. and Mrs. Lee are here (though that too is rare given their busy schedules of business trips). And the couple didn't seem to be too bothered about their older son's absence except the frequent "That boy will never learn" from Mr. Lee followed by a disturbingly sweet "Don't worry honey, he is just young" from Mrs. Erica Lee.

I guess in a way it was for the better that he kept out of his own house. Because on the rare occasions he did come back the atmosphere would not be so pretty.

I remember, it had been only three months since I had started living in the Lee Manor. Both Lixie and I were deep alseep but suddenly were woken up but loud screams from downstairs.


"Not again!" Felix said. He sounded scared. And so was I. I didn't like screaming. It made me feel anxious for it reminded me of things I would rather forget.

Lixie and I tiptoed down the dimly lit staircase anyway, as we were met with three figures at a distance in the living room.

"Then what are you back here for? Do you know how many days it has been since I even saw you last?!" Mr. Lee yelled at his older son.

The latter was still slightly shorter than his father. But as he up into Mr. Lee's eyes, his own held a fury much more dangerous. For it was mixed with hurt, with a feeling of betrayal.

"Why do you even care? Huh?" He yelled back.

"Look Erica. Look how this brat speaks to his own father. I told you spoiling him won't do anything." Mr. Lee said turning back to the brown haired teenager, "Just look at yourself boy! Riding motorbikes, getting into fights, coming home with your face all bruised up at this age like some sort of a thug. And you are only ever home to get more money? Don't you feel an ounce of remorse burning your father's hard earned resources. Don't you care the slightest bit about your father's reputation!"

"Honey calm down please. This is not good for your health." Mrs. Lee said holding her husband's arm.

"What about you? Don't you care about aything other than your money and reputation appa?" He said, his voice cracking up almost unnoticeably in the end. Almost.

He regained his composure in the blink of an eye.

"Keep your money. And your reputation. I need neither." He said as he stormed off outside the door, which shut with a bang behind him echoing through the now silent mansion.

*Flashback ends*

The sound of his bike starting could be heard through that silence and eventually I knew he had driven away into the loneliness of the dark yet again.

And I didn't want to make him come back from that dark into lightness or whatever. I am imaginative but not delusional. But maybe, I just wished I could accompany him in that dark, so it wouldn't feel so lonely, maybe for both of us.

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