Chapter 20: Turbulence

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(Credits to the rightful owners.)

Before I start this chapter, I would just like to say that we have truly lost an angel a few days ago. The news shocked me just as it did everyone else. Please send all your prayers to his family and friends. Rest in peace Moonbin, you will be in our hearts forever❤️

Wordcount: 4.7k

Jisung P.O.V

Pregnancies are never easy. It's a time filled with countless turbulences which are more than often times both physically and mentally draining for the one who is pregnant. Yet a mother can bear all the pain with a smile as they are comforted by the fact that their child is growing wonderfully inside the warmth of their womb. But how should that mother react when they are told that they might loose that child before it can even see the light of life?

During my pregnancy, when my Ryu was still within my belly several doctors said that the chances of my child surviving before let alone after birth was miniscule. Chances which could increase only at the price of my own life. A price I was willing to pay with absolute null hesitation.

Either way I had to make myself understand that I will not be able to cherish my baby's journey through her life.

But by some miracle's grace for which I shall forever be indebted to whoever blessed me with that grace, my Ryujin not only survived to see the world through her own precious eyes, I was there to see her take her first breaths of life and many more to come.

And so, since I first held my little angel in my arms, I never let her be apart for me even for a single day. Inspite of her having her own room already she mostly sleeps next to me. She likes the warmth she gets from her eomma's cuddles. And I like the fact that I am capable of making my baby feel safe.

All the sleepovers with WooSan's kids whenever the couple were on business trips, was at my apartment. So, I never had to be away from my daughter for a whole night. The very thought of her absence scared me to the point I could feel that thought choking the air out of my lungs.

But last night, she stayed over with her appa. Away from me.

Strangely it wasn't scary.

I mean I did miss my angel but I knew she was safe. That she was being provided with equal warmth and care from her appa.

My child was happy. And what could I want more than my child's happiness?

It was most definitely weird not listening to Ryujin chattering about her friends at the pre school and what not while I got ready for work in the morning. I did miss her little giggles immensely, even though I knew I was going to see her in just a couple of hours.

Min- he said he will bring Ryujin to the CJ company before today's meeting. Well, actually he texted me.

"From unknown number:

Hey. This is Minho. I know this is the first time you are away from Ryujin for the length of an entire night. And she really misses you already. But don't worry. I will do my best to make sure she is comfortable. I will be bring her with me to the company tomorrow.

P.s. I hope you have reached your apartment safely :) "

My phone had buzzed with a notification the moment I stepped inside my condo yesterday. And even after staring at my phone's screen displaying his message for one too many hours I still had no idea what to write in response.

I could say "okay, thanks". No that's too nice. Maybe just "okay". Or "ok" to be less formal. Or perhaps "okkk". But that was way too many "k"s . How many "k"s exactly is proper? Two? "Okk". Unless only a single "k" without any o would do. But that is kind of passive aggressive, isn't it? God! This is some high school bullshit that I should no longer have to go through!

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