Chapter 14: Loose Heartstrings

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(Credits to the rightful owners.)

Wordcount: 8.3k

~6 years later~

Minho P.O.V

14 years ago, on a rainy evening, I had met a boy with nervous doe eyes and square rimmed glasses that were too big for his face placed on the tip on his nose, adorable crooked front teeth, wearing a much too oversized washed out light blue hoodie which got drenched just like his short messy hair under the raindrops.

And after my eyes landed on that boy, I couldn't bring myself to look away. He was the most beautiful person I'd ever seen.

You see, I had just got yelled at by my father for getting into another fight at school. I was angry, I was hurt. That and the whether made me feel cold.

But when I saw him, none of it mattered anymore.

He looked anxious. So, I called him a chipmunk to distract him. And anxiousness was replaced by annoyance. Well, I think he went for intimidating but he just looked like an angry quokka. The most adorable one! And a wretched mosquito dared to sit on my Chipmunk's hair, so I tried to swat it away. But instead I made the boy scared.

The fearful look in his eyes pained me more than any of my appa's words, any of the bruises I got while fighting.

I awkwardly explained about the mosquito, reprimanding myself for rambling on utter nonsense. But the expression on his face, like I was telling him the most magical story, it was so warm. It made me feel warm.

I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay. With him.

But you see, I was a coward. Running is all I had ever known.

However, everytime I saw that boy, I found myself loosing the ability to run.

When I saw him in the cafeteria on his first day, surrounded by friends, I felt happy. So happy, for him.

When I saw how excited he got to receive the quokka keychain I told Yongboah to give him I felt warm.

But I had also told Yongbok to not to tell my Chipmunk that I was the one who got the keychain for him. I was a coward.

When Chan and Changbin told me how Devin was trying to bully that boy, I felt angry. I felt like ripping the head of that bastard to tried to hurt my Chipmunk right out of his scull. But I was generous enough to let him off only with a couple of punches and a black eye.

When I heard that Mona poured hot coffee on my boy, I couldn't stop myself from using my surname with the Dean and getting her suspended for a week. She deserved much worse if you ask me.

I also couldn't stop myself from dropping by at home, secretly entering my brother and my Chipmunk's room early mornings and leave icepacks and medicines for my boy's burns. They looked so painful. It pained me too.

He almost caught me keeping an icepack in the refrigerator but then I made some stupid excuse like I always did.

And when I saw him crying on the school washroom floor, struggling to breath, I pulled him close to my chest, my heart and hugged him tightly. And as he did lay unconscious in my embrace I called up Yongbok. And before he along with Hyunjin, Jeongin and Seungmin warily took my Chipmunk away from my arms, I commanded them to not tell the fainted angel that I was the one who first found him there. I was such a coward.

But my coward heart would always be adored how flustered he became everytime I couldn't stop myself and went closer to him. I liked having that effect on him. But I liked it even more when he argued back. I didn't tell him this. I was selfish.

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