Chapter 18: Fairytale

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(Credits to the rightful owners.)

Wordcount: 7k

Jisung P.O.V

I used to love reading. As it let me enter a world separate from our own. A world of fantasy. Of fairytales.

But 6 years ago I stopped. I stopped myself from indulging in story books. I stopped believing in fairytales. Because the world that we live in, the reality doesn't allow fiction to exist. It doesn't allow fairytales to exist.

At least not for me.

I engineered ever cell of my brain, I rearranged every broken string in my heart to keep myself from believing in nonsense like fairytales again. A fairytale where my prince charming would find his way back to me.

I made sure that no warmth could make my heart escape its coldness and beat to the rhythm of hope again.

Then why was my heart racing when I saw him at the office?
Why was it urging me to run into his arms when I saw him with our daughter at the pre-school playground?

No! Not our...Ryujin is only my child.
He wouldn't want anything to do with her! He will break her heart just like he did mine.

No. No no NO!

I can't let that happen.

But how do it stop it from happening? How do I stop my heart from beating on his commands? How do I control that wretched heart I worked so hard for 6 long years to make it forget his eyes, his smile, his touch, his warmth?

I cannot trust my heart. When has trust led me to any good anyway!

"Sungie? Jisungie!"

"Huh? Yes." I turned to my side to see Wooyoung looking at me with his brows contorted in concern.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. I-I am alright." I lied.

"We can cancel the meeting if you want. You know that right?"

"No it's okay Wooyoungah. All the other members of the board are already here. And besides, this is important. I just don't get why Min- uh I mean the chairman of the Lee Industries put so much pressure on San hyungie to call this meeting. Even after San hyung canceled the deal."

As the words left my mouth I noticed Wooyoung and San hyung (who was sitting on the other side of his husband) exchange a quick nervous glance. I found it strange but I figured they were only apprehensive about the meeting. Just like the other members of the board, especially Mr. Eric, a brilliant cinematographer and share holder of the CJ Film Label, who had to postpone his engagement ceremony from afternoon to evening due to the sudden meeting announced by the onwers of the said company on demand of a certain dark brown haired man.

It's been a couple of years since I stopped having panic attacks. Therefore, when San hyung saw me on the verge of one yesterday after the disrupted presentation, he instantly declared that he will call off the deal when I told him that the new client was none other than the one I had run away from 6 years ago.

I was certainly grateful to the WooSan couple as I call them, for taking such a step inspite of knowing that they are letting go of a huge contract. Though I undeniably did feel guilty for being a cause of inconvenience for them. The kind couple has done so much for me over the years. They unhesitantly offered me such help I wouldn't have expected from even a blood related family member if I had any left. Without Wooyongie and Sannie hyung, perhaps me and my little daughter wouldn't have survived in this new place far away from home.

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