Chapter 11: La Vie En Rose

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(Credits to the rightful owners.)

Wordcount: 3.7k

Jisung P.O.V

When the voices in your head gets too loud, you often start screaming, trying to overpower those voices. You scream as loudly as you can, and then the loudness of screams in turn attracts gazes. So, eventually you become the centre of attention.

In college, I gained a new nickname from my friends. They started calling me the 'life of the party'. One would assume that I gained more confidence. But they would be wrong. I was still felt anxious, lonely and mostly insecure. I guess learnt how to hide it all better. Or maybe surrounding myself by a crowd of people, I was just striving to overcompensate for I feared of being stuck in that loneliness forever.

At parties, I could sing obnoxiously loud even when my soul was silent. I could dance even when the ground beneath me was falling apart. I could make others laugh even when my heart was crying. What if when I'm quiet I become invisible again?

But I didn't know that one of such parties would inject life into my heart and then drain it right out as well.


"Jisung-ah tell me what you want!" Changbin hyung asked narrowing his eyes at me.

"I told you hyung, I don't want anything." I repeated for the seventh time.

"Silence in the library." The college librarian repeated for the sixth time.

"Come on Jisung, tell us please. Okay do you want a new hoodie? Or sneakers?" Channie hyung whispered.

"Just get him some manga novel." Seungmin said, his eyes still stuck on the thick ass book with a stupid ass name 'Legal and Logic' he was reading.

"Lixie, Hyunjin-ah, Jeongin-ah can y'all please tell your boyfriends to only stick to giving presents to you all. This is becoming ridiculous." I said as the said three insolent males I call my bestfriends merely shrugged their shoulders.

We all were sitting circling a round table at the 'Law' section of the library.

I sighed heavily before saying, "Look guys, I just want to spend my birthday eating nachos and cake with y'all. I don't need any presents. Just a comfortable hang out session with my closest friends would be more the perfect birthday celebration for me."

"You say that every year! Your no gift policy is so stupid. You are turning 20 for fuck's sake!" Lixie said, tossing back his blonde locks with a dramatic flare.

"Okay I accept defeat-"

Hyunjin started squealing before I could even complete my sentence.

"Silence in the Library!" The librarian yelled from her desk.

"Yes Miss Lin. Sorry." I said.

"She is being louder than us." Jeongin said, rolling his eyes.

"Hyunjin you didn't let me finish. What I was trying to say is that I honestly don't know what I want for a gift. Today is Friday, and my birthday is next to next Saturday. So, if I can think of something in these two weeks, I will let you all know. But for now why don't you two," I pointed at Channie and Changbinnie hyungs, "focus on today's basketball match. It's in three hours!"

"Aish this brat! Okay you win. Deal." Changbin hyung said, pouting like a kid whose candy just got snatched away, making the rest of us chuckle, even Seungmin who finally looked up from his book.



I took my seat on the front row of the stadium with the rest of the gang as the indoor inter-college basketball match was about to begin.

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