Chapter 25: Unsaid

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(Credits to the rightful owners.)

Wordcount: 4.2k

Jisung P.O.V

Since the time of my life I can remember, contact or specifically human contact has confused me. It still does. But over the years I started to understand certain things better.

I would always wonder why people won't just say what is in their hearts? But I guess, sometimes somethings aren't meant to be said. They are just meant to be felt.

But what if what I feel and what he wants to to say are different?

What if this warmth he makes me feel is all in my heart and not in his?

What if...

"Oh dear! Is that Jisungah?"

My vision focused on the grey haired woman walking towards me with the sweetest smile spread across hear face. Her expression more tired but as gentle as ever.

"Yuna Ajumma!" I exclaimed, rushing to hug her at once in the middle of the garage.

She hugged me back tightly, her laugh comforting my ears.

"How are you my child?" She asked, ruffling my hair.

"Good. What about you? Have you been taking care of your health?" I inquired.

"Mhm." She replied.

"It doesn't seem like it. You look so weak!"

She chuckled softly before saying, "Don't worry dear. My niece Chaeryeong took me to the doctor every week while we were in Daegu."

"That's good. I heard you came back yesterday and instantly came to meet you. Is Chaeryeong back here with you?"

"No. I won't be in Seoul for too long either." Ajumma said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I just came back to sign the papers, we are closing this garage. A new vet shelter will be built here. It'll be nice for Soonie, Doongie, Dori and the others cats as well, don't you think?"

"Yes. But I will miss you." I smiled sadly at the lady.

She returned a kind smile in response.

"I will miss you too. But Chaeryeongie won't let me stay away from her alone in this place. Her job is at Daegu. So, I will be living there with her."

I nodded in understanding. It was a relief that Ajumma had someone to take care of her.

"I still need to sell some old stuff of the garage. But I don't know what to do about that ." Ajumma added pointing towards a what looked like a motorbike covered in blue cloth behind me.

"Why? You can just sell it like the others." I suggested.

"I can only do that if the owner lets me. And you know how stubborn that owner is." Ajumma's words puzzled me.

That is till she walked pat me and removed the cover from the bike.


"Minho's bike. He would neither sell this or the helmets. Still as adamant as ever." She said patting the two helmets placed on the seat.

One black. One red.

I walked over to her, my eyes fixed on the helmets.

"Why don't you ask him to take it back to your house? Now he finally can use the bike and helmets for their real purpose. But I think he should get the motor checked first." Yuna ajumma smiled.

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