Chapter 31: Last First (M)

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(Credits to the rightful owners.)


Warning: Sinful stuff👀

Wordcount: 1.6k

Minho P.O.V

Am I dreaming?
Am I in heaven?
Or is THE HAN JISUNG literally under me right now!

His hair a mess, his lips already bright red and swollen, his collar bones covered in the marks I left on his skin, his big doe eyes now hooded and enticing as they looked up at me.

How is this even real?
How am I this lucky!

"Nghh Minho..." His voice was sultry as I dipped my face in the junction of his neck, his soft moans driving me crazy.

I hovered over him, my one arm holding myself up so as to not crush my precious Hannie with my body as the other hand caressed his silver locks.

"Are you nervous?" I asked.

He didn't responded.

My Chipmunk didn't think he could hide his anxiousness from me, did he?

"We can stop if you want."

"No!" He said at once. "I just feels like my first time all over again."

I smiled down at him, "That's okay. I can understand. It feels like that to me too."

"It does?" He asked curiously making me chuckle at his cuteness.

"Uh huh. I know I was your first and you weren't mine...but...Hannie you are my last first. It has always been you. Me being the dumbass I am, it took a long time for me to figure that out. But now I know. It will always be you, only you for me."

"Minho..." Hannie said, his orbs now glistening with tears. Happy tears I hoped. "You are the only one for me too, always."

He pulled me in probably the hundreth kiss of the night. Well, I wasn't exactly counting. I was too busy getting absolutely melted by his delicate touch, his warm skin.

But then reality struck me thanks to my sober state, making me jolt upright on the bed.

"Fuck." I cursed out, unintentionally taking Hannie aback.

"What's wrong?" He asked sitting up as well. My Chipmunk sounded so concerned.

Why is he so cute! I can just eat him u-


His face instantly flushed pink as if we were not in the middle of the thing that required said protection.

"There." He said, meekly pointing at a box I hadn't noticed till now that was kept next to the bed.

Intrigued, I instantly moved to open it only to recieve the most delightful shock of my lifetime. Picking a bottle of lube in one hand and a packet of condom in the other, I looked back at my Hannie whose face now was as red as a tomato.

"You were prepared, huh?" I found my lips curving to form one of my classic smirks.

"YAH! I got that as a gift!" He said, tucking a strand of his hair behind his ear before shyly wrapping his naked upper body with his arms.

"Gift? From whom?" I questioned, climbing up on the bed again and placing the lube and condom on the sheet before I made my Hannie uncover his gorgeous self.

"Uhh...from my friends..."

"Right." He raised his hips as I pulled the trousers off his legs, my jaw dropping wide open yet again when my eyes laid on the...

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