Chapter 4: Group hug

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(Credits to the rightful owners.)


Before I start the chapter I want to take a moment to convey my condolences for everyone affected by the tragic earthquake that took place in Turkey and Syria. Please send your prayers and support in any way you can!


Wordcount: 3.8k

Jisung P.O.V

*Flashback continues*

Channie and Changbinnie hyung helped me pick my books from the floor and put in my bag, their tone changing instantly into a softer one as they spoke to me.

"Are you okay Jisungie?" Channie hyung asked.

I nodded before Changbin hyungie said.

"Those idiots won't dare to hurt you anymore. Don't worry. Hyungs will take care of it."

"Thank you." I said, my voice in a whisper but thankfully they heard it.

"Yah, anything for our little friend." Changbin hyung said.

"Oi mate. You are the same height as Jisungie, you know that right?" Channie hyung said earning a punch from Changbinnie hyung on his back.

For a moment I thought that they were about to fight but then the very next moment they burst into laughter.

Then suddenly Changbin hyung cleared his throat and nudged the Australian boy's elbow.

"Chan has something to talk to you about. I'll just leave you two alone." He said and quickly left place not before whispering a not so soft "all the best" (I realise that Changbin hyung can by no means be not loud) to a very nervous looking Channie hyung.

I waited for the said hyung to say whatever he had to say but instead he quitely took my bag from my hand and placed the books from it inside my locker.

I was very confused but thanked him anyway as I closed the locker and kept the key in my pocket.

"Hyung, you something to say-"

"You might find this very strange. Actually you don't know me too well but I need a favour." Channie hyung said, his timid voice in comparison to his jock appearance was quite amusing. But I didn't dare crack a smile. The atmosphere made me feel quite uneasy.

"You just helped me hyung. I can do any favour. What is it?" I said anyway.

And after he responded and our short and mildly awkward conversation came to an end, Channie hyung said, "Okay I am off to swimming practice now. It was nice talking to you. Bye!"

A huge smile was displayed on his face. He has dimples as well!

With that he ran off towards the staircase after waving at me and I waved back, chuckling softly.

I finally decided to go to my class. It's still early but I could just wait there for the others. And as I turned around to walk towards my classroom I saw a very pissed Hyunjin looking (rather glaring) back at me. Before I could say anything, he turned to the other side and ran away towards the direction of the washroom.

He really does hate me! But what did I even do?

With annoying and puzzling thoughts piling up in my head I walked to my classroom, sat at my desk, looked out of the window and stared into the nothingness of the dull blue sky, letting myself get swallowed up by those thoughts.

Gradually the seats of the classroom got occupied by other students. Seungmin and Felix arrived as well, both asking me if I had seen Hyunjin. Felix was very concerned because Hyunjin hadn't show up for cheer practice earlier (and apparently he never misses these pratices).

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