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(I found this gif on the internet and it is PERFECT for the story. I recognized the song by the lyrics given immediately. It is one of my all time favs. So, I have attached that as well. Credits to the rightful owners.)


Once in millions of years does two different stars set to collide with each other. Such are the odds of their union, designed by the universe. And when they do meet, it can either destroy both of them or create a fusion, leading to the birth of a new star. Which fate is in store for two individuals who collided by love?


Smoke erupted in the night air, flames lightened the dark. The hospital staff and security gathered around as an accident had taken place just across the street.

A thin, frail male let out a shaky gasp as he halted at a distance in front of the broken car. The horrifying sight reflected in his eyes as he tried his best to dismiss reality.

Everything he ever loved lay injured with the one person, unconscious and bloodied on the ground.

"It meant nothing to me! Nothing!"

That person had said.

The words and the voice still vivid in the the teary eyed male's wretched memories. And with that more memories started flooding in his mind.

He could almost visualise the older's hypnotizing deep eyes, hear his soothing laugh, feel how both their heart beats united in the most harmonious rhythm when a certain night had enveloped the two of them as one.

And then it all disappeared, as the male found himself back in reality by the sound of the wheels of the stroller on which the wardboys carried the wounded body.

Tears finally painted the puffy cheeks of the younger male, his throat tightened and heart clenched, as he subconsciously put his palm on his clothed belly.

It meant everything to him. He meant everything to him.


P.s. I kept the prologue short cuz I wanted to make it like a teaser/spoiler to the story.

I will only start uploading the chapters here when my first story is finished.

Till then, take care you beautiful humans!

See you soon <3

Colliding Stars (Minsung)Where stories live. Discover now