Chapter 21: Soonie Doongie Dori

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(Credits to the rightful owners.)

Wordcount: 4.2k

Minho P.O.V

I am not unfamiliar with heartbreak. Although a lot of people would say that I have no heart to begin with. I have left most of those people in the past. Those people were...strangers who knew neither me or my heart.

In the present I have been bold enough to assume that I have become so to used heartbreak, that another one would never be anything I can't handle. I had been wrong to think so. I had overestimated the strength of my heart to endure shatter, or perhapss I had underestimated karma's power to punish me for my crimes.

After Hannie so kindly let Ryujin sleepover with me, a kind of joy I was a stranger to spread through my heart. The joy of hearing your child call you appa for the first time. The joy of telling her a bed time story for the first time. The joy of watching her sleep so peacefully that it made my heart forget it's ache for a moment. In that moment I knew that I was going to fulfil every single of one my precious daughter's dreams no matter what.

That moment didn't last too long.

In the middle of the night Ryu got up groggily asking for her eomma. I prepared another cup of hot cocoa. And as Ryujin sipped down the sweet drink she sighed and said that she was just woken up from a dream. A dream where she was being embraced by both her eomma and appa by her side. She wished her eomma could join us for a sleepover the next time.

Will I be able to make this wish come true?
Will I be able to make her dream come true?

My heary broke at the thought of a negative possibility.

The next morning I got a call from San and Wooyoung. Actually before coming to Malaysia and getting to know that Hannie was a part of their company I had conveyed something to co-owners. That I wanted the advert film for the new product launch of my company to be shot in Seoul. To be honest, given the current circumstances I didn't think that would be possible anymore. So, I was quite surprised to say the least when the Choi-Jung couple suggested that we should all travel to South Korea as soon as possible.

Wooyoung told me that Jisung needed to go back so that he could remember all the good memories he created there to get over the bad memories that place left him with.

As soon as that call ended a very chirpy Ryujin hugged my legs wishing me a good morning. Well, seeing my angel's adorable face made that morning a great one. I ruffled her brown hair before she started jumping up and down the moment I told her that I was going to make waffles for breakfast.

The three other kids along with Ryu happily munched on the meal making me smile the whole time. And that smile grew wider when Ryujin asked for a pudding. So, we both left a little earlier than the other couples and their kids, and on the way to the CJ company we stopped by at a convenience store where I brought Ryu ten packets of pudding. She could only finish four in the car. And well, I finished the other six as we sat inside the parking lot of the CJ company.

I pinched Ryujin's nose as she cackled about the pudding mustache formed below my nose. Picking her up on my shoulders we made our way inside the building only to be greeted by Chanjin, Changlix and Seungin who had just left their kids in the nursery on the first floor. I told them to go ahead to the meeting room first before I myself made my way to Hannie's office cabin with Ryujin.

Watching him work so passionately at his desk through the glass door made my heart swell with pride. My Hannie is so talented! So beautiful! So perfect.

How is he even real?

A breath of air which I realised I had been holding back till now left my mouth when Ryujin standing next to me pulled the corner of my coat to break the trance called Jisung I was entrapped in. I just kept gawking at the silver haired boy. How could I not? It's the Han freaking Jisung.

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