Bonus : Happy Ever After (M)

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(Credits to the rightful owners.)

Warning: Do you even need it any more💀

Wordcount: 4.1k

Minho P.O.V

How is he so cute? I just want to bite-

"I wanna bite your cheeks!" Hannie scoffed for the 'I have already lost count'-th time as he typed away on his laptop keyboard.

He pushed his glasses further back up on his nose. "Haven't you left too many bite marks on my other cheeks?" His expression remained neutral as his lips utterred those words.

I chuckled, resting my head on his shoulder, our backs against the headboard.

"Shouldn't you be giving me more attention Mr. Lee Hanji? You are one the board of directors at our company now." I grumpily inquired.

"Yes, but I am still signed with the CJ Film Label and I and currently working on a project with San hyungie." He replied, his gaze still fixed on his laptop screen.

"Is that jerk giving you a hard time? Why he is back in Seoul again? And who told him to move back his company's headquarters here?"

Ultimately I emerged victorious and was able to annoy my husband enough into shutting his laptop and keeping it away.

"No pabo-ah. Nobody is giving me any hard time. Everything's fine. Wooyongah keeps me company at work. Besides the kids love having Hyunkai and Taehyun around."

"Speaking of the kids, Ryujin has been so jolly since she started school this Monday!" My lips broke into a smile at the thought of our daughter's face lit up with joy and excitement. She hadn't stopped talking about the new friends she made and all that she learnt within the week.

"Jollier than she was when we came back from our honeymoon the day before that. When I think about it that little brat was happier to see her new room too. Like father like daughter." I chuckled again as Hannie threw me an adorable glare.

He wasn't wrong though. We had actually modified Hannie's and Yongbokah's old room for our daughter. Yongbokah was the one who did most of the decorating for his dearest niece.

"You alright?" I asked, noticing a sudden pained look take over my Hannie's face.

"It's nothing. I have just been feeling easily exhausted lately." He said lying down on the bed, his head rested on his pillow and his body facing me.

Pulling the comforter over my husband, I lied down next to him. I raised my head up slightly with my arm, feeling a smile appear on my face as he scooted closer to me.

 I raised my head up slightly with my arm, feeling a smile appear on my face as he scooted closer to me

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"That's because you have been overworking too much. Take tomorrow off to rest." I said.

"Why? The day after tomorrow is Sunday anyway. I will get my rest then."

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