Chapter 9: Moonie's Triplets

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(Credits to the rightful owners.)

Wordcount: 6.5k

Jisung P.O.V

Hopeful beginnings and happy endings make a good story. But the dull skies between the serene dusk and blissful dawn makes the story real.

The beginning of the story for Changlix was joyous to say the least. Felix's eyes sparkled like the moon and his smile shone like the sun as he would walk in the school hand in hand with his moon and sun, his elementary school crush turned now boyfriend, his Binnie hyung.

But soon grey clouds of utter sorrow hovered over not only their lives, but that of others too.

Felix's smile were snatched away as the news of his father's death arrived.

Mr. Lee, accompanied by his wife was one of their business trips to New York. The former had an heart attack from which he couldn't recover. The funeral had be conducted in New York itself for they couldn't carry the body on such a long flight. The call of his demise came when the man was already buried in his grave. When Mrs. Erica Lee came back that very evening she embraced an inconsolable Felix and revealed that her husband had been suffering from a weak heart for many years. The Lee couple had decided to not worry the kids with such information.

In the end those kids had been saved from worry but not from loss.


"He didn't even get to make it to my first day in High School! He didn't even get to make it to hyung's 18th birthday. It's only a month away. God! I had so much left to say to appa! He...I didn't even get to properly say goobye." Felix cried amidst a series of hiccups.

He cried in Changbin hyung's arms on the living room sofa of the Lee Manor, as the rest of us tried to hide our own tears. None of us, Hyunjin, Jeongin, Seungmin, Channie and me, none of us could bear to see the cascade of tears roll down the freckled boy's eyes, the eyes that held all the joy in world. But we all knew that we had to be there for him. He needed us.

I stood behind the sofa caressing Felix's blonde strands as I wiped my own tears with my other hand. The man who we lost today was not only a father, a husband, a chairman but also a savior. He had saved me from an uncertain path of a probable dark future, he had given me shelter in his own house.

"My child, I can't see you like this anymore. Oh god, why are you punishing us like this!" Mrs. Erica Lee sitting on the counch across the room sobbed before accepting the glass of water from Woo Ajumma's hand.

"Mr. Woo, did you find out where my older son is yet? It's almost midnight. Is he still not answering his phone?" She asked, after taking a few sips from her glass.

Woo Ajusshi standing near the fireplace with hands crossed behind his back shook his head hesitantly in response.

Where is he?

I hadn't seen him since the party at Changbin hyung's house last week. He didn't even come back to the house to get more clothes. The horrid news had still not reached him because no one was able to contact him.

And maybe I wished, I prayed, that he won't receive the news. Because maybe...I thought he wasn't ready to face this loss. Maybe, I wasn't ready to witness him face it.

The doors burst open making all of us turn our eyes towards the entrance.

And finally he walked in, completely drenched. It's been raining since the morning.

He looked at our direction and I watched confusion spreading through his eyes later being replaced with concern as he noticed Felix's miserable state.

But in the next moment astonishment struck not only him but also the rest of us when Felix detached himself from Changbin hyung's embrace, marched towards his brother and held the collar of the brown haired boy's wet shirt aggressively.

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