Chapter 29: Haven

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(Credits to the rightful owners.)

Wordcount: 3.2k

Author's P.O.V

"Are you seriously leaving Jisungie?"

A sigh escaped the pouty lips of a silver haired male for the hundreth time that noon as the glum car ride continued. He looked out of the window to avoid the scrutinizing gazes of his friends, Felix and Hyunjin who were accompanying him on the journey to the theatre. That was where the short advert film that Jisung had created for the audio book 'Happiness' was about to be premiered in less than an hour.

"Well, I have to. I promise my appa and eomma I would." The art film director said.

"So you are gonna go away to Canada forever!" Hyunjin spoke again.

"No...I mean I don't know." Jisung looked back at his friends.

"I know your parents made you and Ryujin leave the Lee Manor and live with them till now but it has been a month since all the shit got over. Have you even spoken to Minho hyung about leaving this place again?"

Jisung shook his head in response to Felix's query.

"But he knows. Appa told him...Maybe, this is good for both of us. We will get our own space to think about everything. So much has happened over such a short time. Now that it's all over, I don't know what to do next."

Felix and Hyunjin gave the poor man a death stare in return that screamed "Really bestie? You can't think of a single thing you want to do next?"

Next Hyunjin said, his tone overtly judgy "You are setting out for the airport this evening, right?"

"Yup after the event is over. Eomma and appa have already reached Cananda this morning. God! Ryujin is already so sad. I can't imagine how I am going to handle her once we actually leave. She had been living at the Lee Manor for the past one week with her appa. My angel is so angry with me. But what do I do?"

Yet again Hyunjin and Felix exchanged a "This dumbass still doesn't know what to do?!" look but chose to give comforting pats on their sulking quokka friend's shoulder nonetheless.

Eventually the three friends had reached their destination. As soon as they entered the theatre they were met by the rest of the gang that is Chan, Changbin, Jeongin and Seungmin.

Everyone was there except for one, the one whom Jisung's doe eyes seeked.

"He is already seated with the kids." Chan said noticing the silver haired male's wondering gaze.

Jisung nodded in response before they all too made their way to the front row seats. Each little family sat together with the kids between their respective parents. And the moment Ryujin saw her eomma take a seat beside her she grumpily turned away and shifted closer to her appa who was sitting on her other side. Minho looked up at Jisung, his eyes held the same gentle affection they always do for the younger. But today those eyes were also gloomy.

No words were exchanged between the Prince and the Chipmunk. This was so stupid! That's what their freinds thought at least. Why couldn't the two just talk? What was still holding them back?

All of a sudden the lights of the theatre were turned off as the screen brightened up with the words.

"A short film by J.One for the Audiobook Happiness."

The scenery of a little town on a cozy autumn evening was displayed. Several people strolled past a tall tree with no flowers decorating it in the fall. The scene was zoomed in to show an realistically animated bluebird resting on a tree branch while near the roots of that same tree, in a small pit dug on the dust covered ground lay another bluebird, the eomma and a tiny baby bird. As more people walked by the tree they murmured amongst themselves saying what a selfish jerk the appa bird was. Lying confortably on the tree branch while his family were stuck in a dirty pit.

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