Chapter 7: Halo

654 33 22

(Credits to the rightful owners.)

Wordcount: 4.1k

Jisung P.O.V

*Flashback continues*

I stood outside the garage, next to the red and black motorbike I had seen numerous times before but never once thought that I would get to ride on it.

He hopped on the bike as I rubbed my palms together to try and warm them up.

God it's so cold! Riding on that bike, the windchill will make me freeze before I can reach the Lee Manor.

"Here. Wear this." I looked up to see him handing out a black leather jacket to me.

His leather jacket.

He was wearing it till just a second ago over his black t-shirt.

"My hand is starting ache holding this thing in the middle of the air. Would you do me the honor and take it already," He said, with a pressed sarcastic smile.

"Uh...thanks." I replied taking his jacket and putting it on.

It was way too big for me which made it all the more cozy. It had his smell! And most importantly it was so warm.

But wait- are those grey fur on the jacket?

"Put this on as well." He handed me a black helmet.

"Isn't it yours?" I asked struggling with the straps below my chin.

He tugged one of the straps pulling me closer making my eyes widen in shock yet again.

"Well I have only one. So it's yours for now." He finished fixing the helmet and patted the top of it over my head.

"Now hop on."

And I did, internally battling between choosing to hold onto the back of my seat of just hold onto nothing during the jounrney but that battle soon came to an end when the bike started, jerking foward making my hands instantly grab onto his shoulders.

"Hold on tight." I saw him smirk through the rear view mirror as he increased the speed.

The ride was smoother than I expected.

Actually it was inexplicably astounding. The cool euphoric night breeze brushing through his brown locks made me feel like I was floating on a rainbow but at the same time his grip on the bike handles as I held onto his shoulders made me feel just as safe and grounded.

I felt so free. So warm. I guess somehwere down the road I'd forgotten about the destination. I guess I started to wish that the journey would go on forever.

But like all journeys do no matter how enriching they might have been, this one too sadly came to an end.

I told him to stop the bike near the staff emergency exit which to my surprise he already knew about.

"Thanks for dropping me back." I said, my voice glummer than I had intended it to be.

He merely nodded in response as he put on both his jacket and helmet that I just handed back to him.

"What time is it?" I asked.

I wasn't wearing my wrist watch. Hell, I wasn't even carrying my phone.

"Half past twelve" He answered, looking at his apple watch.

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