Chapter 32: Bells (M)

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(Credits to the rightful owners.)

Warning: Hold onto your hobi water✨️

Wordcount: 3.6k

Jisung P.O.V

Sweet rays of the morning sun peeked in through the open curtains of the large window in the room to wake me up from the most peaceful slumber of my life. I tried to rub the drowsiness off my eyes as I snuggled closer to the warmth of his skin when all of a sudden, a squeal escaped my lips.

"You are so adorable!" These words were the reason behind my squeal, but more so the deep hoarse voice that said it.

My eyes widened when I saw my devil bunny staring back at me with mischievous eyes.

"Aish!" I smacked his chest, "You scared me."

In return he chuckled before pulling me up over his body. I winced softy at this movement.

"Hey. You okay?" He asked at once, his eyes now full of concern.

"Mhm. Just a bit sore." I said resting my head on his arm and wrapping my own hands around his torse.

He rubbed my lower back soothingly. I couldn't help but blush when I realised we both were still naked under the covers.

He kept his word.
He is right here close to me.

"What you thinking ?" Minho said, taking a sniff of my hair before placing a kiss on it.

"Nothing. I am just happy you are here." I replied looking up into his eyes.

He smiled, "Where else would I be if not next to my Hannie."

"Tsk. You're so cheesy Ilino." I said burying my face in his neck. But of course I failed to prevent him from seeing my ears turn red.

"And you are so cute Chipmunk." He said kissing all over my face, making me giggle.

"Yah. Don't you have work?" I asked trying to change the subject before my face could turn into a tomato again.

"Yah? Should you speak to your Minho hyung like that?" He teased, wingling his brows.

I scoffed in reponse before he added, "That's the privilege of being the chairman. I can take a holiday whenever I want.".

"You can but you shouldn't." I scolded.

"Okay Mr. Han. Then, should I leave to go to my company right now?" The moment those words left his mouth, my grip on his body grew firmer.

"No. Today can be an exception." I felt his chest vibrate with laughter. I laughed as well.

"Speaking of the company, I have been meaning to ask a question Minho."

"What is it?" He murmured while placing butterfly kisses on my neck.

If you keep doing things like that I will forget what I wanted to ask!

"The new unit you founded. HSC Entertainment. What does HSC stand for?"

Minho's face strangely morphed into an expression of embarrassment. He chuckled awkwardly, averting his gaze from me.

"Tell me! Tell me!"

"Okay...nobody knows this...and you have to promise to not make fun of me..." He still sounded hesitant.

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