Chapter 2: Contact

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(Credits to the rightful owners.)

Wordcount: 5.1k

TW: Childhood abuse and hints of ED

Jisung P.O.V

I dislike human contact. Mostly because I dislike other humans. I dislike them because they confuse me. The concept of saying what you don't mean and not saying what's in your heart, I find it odd, but mostly I find it cruel. When a person smiles at me, are they being nice? Are they showing me pity? Or are they mocking me? I can't really grasp the power to understand what's between the lines, because the lines drawn by others are a torturous blur to me and I am scared to overstep. The power to read the language of love through eyes and heartbeats is unknown to me because love itself has never really been known by me. I dislike others because I am jealous that they hold these powers to understand human contact and I don't.

But some strange humans have miraculously broken the barriers of my limited understanding and occupied a space in my heart that I didn't know existed. Humans that I call friends, but to be honest they are my lifeline.

8 years ago, my so called appa died in a fire at one of the manufacturing factories of the Lee Industries in Incheon. He was an unlucky labourman caught in the accident and I was a poor orphan left alone in this unpredictable world. Honestly...I was relieved by his death. I feel guilty for have felt that way. I didn't even shed a tear when I heard the news. Perhaps all my tears were drained out every single night by my drunken father returning home(a rented single roomed half broken down apartment in a shady neighbourhood which didn't leave me with a lot of space to hide in) only to curse me and beat me for being the unworthy burden of dirt I was to him.

I have always wondered why Mr. Lee, the owner of the Lee Industries took this burden of dirt in his home. I still haven't found the proper answer. But I know that my life which I had only known as a nightmare before, properly began to dream the day I entered the Lee Manor.

And as I entered my new life I felt like a fish out of water amidst the marble walls of the house of riches. But before my gills of poorly crafted fake confidence could give out to expose my even more poorly hidden anxiousness a freckled token of sunshine saved me.

Lee Felix, the younger son of Mr. Lee, the only son of Mrs. Erica Lee, but most importantly my first friend.

In the beginning I was baffled by his joyful spirit as he took my hand the moment I stepped inside his house and giggled as he gleefully took me straight to his room (which I later got to know was now our room) to show his collection of soft toys, video games and books (all of which he cheerfully announced now belonged to both of us) and the bunkbeds we would share as new roommates. Felix now had become my first roomate.

I initially thought his smile was fake, one of that pretence or mockery I was so familiar with

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I initially thought his smile was fake, one of that pretence or mockery I was so familiar with. But gradually he made me realise as I became the first to taste his brownies (which in the staring were not so tasteful), the first to know his secrets (mostly his related to his crush), the first to play fortnite with him (which mostly turns into a Felix special swear words marathon), the first to join him in a duo taylor swift karaoke party in the middle of the night (his parents were thankfully away on a business trip and weren't there to hear us screaming on the top of our lungs), as I learned to see the sincerity in his smile, he had not only become my friend but also my brother. Soul bestie as he likes to call it. My first bestfriend.

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