Chapter 26: Secrets

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(Credits to the rightful owners.)

Wordcount: 4.1k

Author's P.O.V

An untimely storm rackled the tall windows, cold droplets condensing on the fogged up glass as grim lights peeked through it from the living room of the Lee Manor. The air shuddered with the ehoes of the voices rising in the room.

"This was your last chance and your ruined it again! How could you?!" A fuming blonde pushed a taller brown haired man who in turn stumbled back in silence.

"Lix babe..."

"No don't try to stop me Changbin hyung!" The freckled man jerked his husband's hand off his shoulder and advanced forward to push the brunet again. "Look at this man! This fucking coward I call my brother just standing with his eyes on the ground! Have you nothing to speak for yourself Minho hyung?" Felix yelled.

But the brown haired man merely stood still with a split of blood on the corner of his bottom lip drying in the bleakness. Thunder roared outside.

The one who was responsible for the bloody split that is the oldest among them all, sat on the couch glaring at the coward in the room.

"Chris should have punched you more than once. Hell I should have killed you the moment you had the audacity to walk in here and ask Jisung to sign those papers!" Hyunjin stood next to Felix looking as infuriated as the blonde.

A little behind them stood the maknae couple, Jeongin and Seungmin. The latter chuckled bitterly and said, "Was this your entire plan of redemption the whole time?"

"Minho after everything...we still supported you. But you proved us wrong. You really deserve to be alone and pathetic!" Changbin said as he put his arm around husband's shoulder again, the younger now breaking into scorching tears of fury.

"Say something for god's sake!" Felix screamed, as Changbin's grip on him grew more firm. The younger would have completed fallen apart with anger otherwise.

"I don't have anything to say." Minho spoke, his voice rough yet hollow.

At this Chan got up from the couch, his fingers clenched together in a fist as he spoke, "Are you fucking kidding right now? We find on the fucking internet while we all are at office waiting for you in the meeting room, that you are getting married to Mona! Still we think that it must be some sort of mistake. We even dragged Jisung here with us so not another misunderstanding takes place between you two! Only to wait from the noon for ten fucking hours till you decide to show up with that document! Then instead of answering our questions you ask Sungie to give his signature and return his share of whatever your father had left in his will? And now you have nothing to say?"

"Why hyung, just why? Even after what Mona said and did to Jisung?" Jeongin said.

"You told us you were going to speak with mom...shit I can't even call her that myself after the night of the product launch party-" Felix inhaled deeply before he continued, "Erica, you were going to have a talk with her yesterday! You told us that you were going to make sure once and for all that she wouldn't be able to disrupt your or Jisung's life anymore. But now...this...what on earth are you thinking!" The freckled man grabbed his brother's collar, the older still not looking up to respond.

The coward's knuckles turned whiter as he kept clutching onto the document in his hand containing papers inked with a crime.

And the victim of said crime, whose signature was required in that very document stood at a distance from the rest, near the windows reflecting the lightening breaking across the dark sky outside. The blizzard grew more and more wild.

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