Chapter 5: Stay

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(Credits to the rightful owners.)

Note: All the he/him/his written in bold letters in Jisung's povs refer to Minho.

Wordcount: 4.5k

TW: Panic attack

Jisung P.O.V

In my teenage years I had learnt that warmth is experienced from love. And I experienced love in one of its warmest forms through friendship. And each of my friends had their own unique way of expressing that love.

Felix is the king of skinship. His cuddles could heal bruised souls and his backhugs could lighten up the glummest of moods. He made me feel his love through its very articulation "I love you". ALL THE TIME.

Jeongin on the other hand would run away at the very sign of any sort of physical touch his hyungs yearned to offer him (except Seungmin's oh so "platonic" forehead kisses of course). But his lunchbox full of dumplings for two was more than any physical affirmation I needed.

Seungmin is a tsundere, savage more so than cold. His sarcasm can lead a person to their walk of shame. But then again he gently held my hand everytime I felt anxious or uncomfortable in a crowd.

And Hyunjin, he shockingly became what some would call "my partner in crime." The rest would call us crackheads for randomly breaking into dramatic dialogues we learnt from some melo daily soap. But he was not my partner only in crime. He was also my greatest cheerleader (given his title of the cheer captain at school). I would often (always) be not so confident about the scripts I wrote for my theatre classes but he would shower me with praises like I was nominated for Best Scripwriter at the Oscars.

Actually it was his and also the others' encouragement that made me realise that maybe I was kind of good with words and ideas. And at every sleepover I could talk about all my nonsense ideas for hours and they all would listen.

Speaking of Hyunjin, he finally asked Channie hyung out for the school dance. It was on a Saturday morning, the day after the first group hug incident. School was off since it was the weekend. But the swimming club was open. They, as in Chan hyungie and Hyunjin-ah, both drenched in the swimming pool water standing near the shower room had a conversation that was more than a tad bit awkward but also it was very wholesome. And yes I witnessed it firsthand because even though none of Hyunjin's or Chan hyung's friends were supposed to be there, Lixie of course dragged us all as we hid behind the door and eavesdroped on Chanjin's love confession (Lix came up with the ship name as well obviously).


"Y-you really like me Jinnie?" Channie hyung looked at the younger, his eyes full of hope and joy.

" love you." Hyunjin confessed, his hands fidgeting with the bottom of his wet shirt in nervousness.

"Oh Jinnie I love you too!" The older blonde boy replied, softly cupping Hyunjin's cheeks. Both had huge dimpled grins adorning their faces.

But unfortunately I didn't really get to pay attention to the rest of the exchange between the two. Because midway through their conversation I was distracted by the presence of a certain brown haired boy. The boy that tugged my heartstrings and turned them into a tangled ball of fairylights that I just can't swift off.

My dear soul bestie Felix had dragged not only Seungmin, Jeongin and me here but also Channie hyung's friends as well. That is Changbinnie hyung and him.

He is so close to me.

So very close. His smell, that of oakpine and a lavender field turned my brain into a mush. And the very shape of his jawline cut through and imprinted itself on my mushy mind, my fingers were itching to move the strands of dark brown hair that were hiding his pretty eyes and their long lashes, to trace his sharp nose down to his perfect pink li-

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