Chapter 24: Battle of B!tches

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(Credits to the rightful owners.)

Wordcount: 7.7k

Minho P.O.V

Sweet like honey dripping on lavender petals, soft like cotton candy made of clouds and addicting like the aroma of sandalwood.

His lips. My Hannie's lips.

Euphoria might be a mere concept to many but when his dainty, trembling fingers touched the sides of my face, when I breathed in his rosy scent, when his lips touched mine, when he kissed me euphoria became my reality.

My lips seeked his when they left me cold. I wanted to pull him into another kiss at once, pour my soul into his sugary tongue. My wounded shoulder could go to hell for all I cared. The pain couldn't stop me from holding my Hannie's in my arms (even if one was broken).

But something did stop me.

The clearing of an scary lady's throat.

My genius self made the mistake to look in the direction of the source of that voice. And a chill ran down my spine immediately.

Abeoji...I mean ma'am. Miss Byul.
Why is she glaring at me like that? She isn't going to break my other shoulder is she?

Your son is the one who kissed me!
Hell I will put a tape on my mouth everytime I am near your dear son from now on! Eommoni save me from your wife please!

The jackasses I call my friends kept snickering instead of trying to shield me from Miss Byul's wrath. While her wife and granddaughter kept staring at me blankly.

What did I get into!

Thankfully I didn't have to burn under Miss Byul's ablazed glare for too long. San, Wooyoung and his parents Mr. And Mrs. Jung appeared in the place with someone who I presumed was the doctor.

However, I was still not aware of the fact that I was in for more embrassment. San, Changbin and Chan had to carry me to the guest room as I was unable to move by myself. And I am pretty sure that bastard San was purposely pressing onto my poor shoulder while carrying my upper body even though he said that it was an accident. And my two asshole best friends holding my legs did nothing to protest. Instead they chuckled away shamelessly.

The doctor cleaned and stitched up my wound while I lied on the bed. It fucking hurt. But I had to put on a strong front for my Hannie who was standing near the door. He didn't really look directly into my face, instead he kept worriedly eyeing my injured shoulder.

My Hannie is worried about me.

He was biting his nails in nervousness, his fingertips softly touching his lips...

His lips...they looked so delici- Ouch!

Someone just suddenly smacked my shoulder right over the wound.

"Aish you little- ma'am?!" My eyes widened in horror as I turn to find Miss Byul looking at me again with that death stare of hers I am already well accustomed to.

"The doctor left. You are all bandaged up." She said.

Even her voice sounds intimidating.

Also did she just say the doctor left? When?

I didn't see her walking out of the door. Hannie was standing right next to it. And I was basically gawking at him.

What can I say, maybe I was too distracted by his perfect existence to notice anyone else.

I looked at my shoulder now sealed in white bandages. A small red spot could be seen around the centre.

My gaze lifted and landed on my Hannie again. He was already looking back at me. His eyes were still glossy with concern.

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