Chapter 16: Happiness

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(Credits to the rightful owners.)

Wordcount: 6.7k

Jisung P.O.V

When I was a child, living in a broken down little apartment with an alcholic father, happiness was something that seemed very far fetched to me. I thought I didn't have happiness then because I was poor. I believed happiness was in shiny riches and jewels. But then when I moved to a new house, rather a palace belonging to one of the wealthiest families of that country, I saw that most of the people already living in that house were not really happy even amidst their luxuries. And that was because it wasn't a family living in that house but individuals merely coexisting within its walls. Individuals who were very lonely. It was then that I figured happiness might come from company, a way to escape that loneliness. But inspite of being surrounded by the most wonderful company of friends, somewhere deep inside I still felt lonely. I still felt unhappy.

So, in my teenage years I started to seek happiness in the smallest of things. The simplest of stories would fascinate me and the lamest of jokes would make me laugh out loud even when I found a joke simply unfunny. I tried to savour the smallest of joys because they often turned out to be the greatest source of happiness.

But happiness just like warmth is fickle. Temporary and almost sadistic for it can be stolen away from you any moment leaving you with the pain of rediscovering loneliness.

Happiness is futile. So, I eventually stopped seeking it.

"So did you like it?"

Wooyoung's voice which sounded a little nore enthusiastic that usual made me look up from the open file in front me at the glass door of my office which was now open and had that source of that voice standing next to it.

"It's...well, interesting." I replied.

Wooyoungie scoffed, walking up to my desk with the heels of his shoes click-clacking on the marble floor.

"That's an understatement and you know it. The concept of it all is amazing!" Wooyoung exclaimed.

"I have never seen you praise a product we are going to make an advertisement film for this much." I chuckled.

"Well, what can I say...and apparently the chairman is going to give ninety percent of the profits from the product sales to support a charity for orphanages and struggling under resourced mothers while they are carrying the baby and even after the baby's born. And this is not even the first time this chairman is doing something so kind like this. It's a beautiful initiative, if you ask me."

I couldn't help but smile softly at Wooyoung's words. The initiative truely was beautiful. Actually, it was beyond beautiful. It was...warm.

"Hmm. The product itself is something I have not quite seen before." I spoke.

"Uh huh. The audiobook is such a great idea. It's has fairytales and the loveliest of lullabies and books specialised for pregnant mothers. There is some sort of an AI assistant set up with the digital audiobook that can directly call the mother's family members, the hospital or even emergency helplines with a single voice command. It's going to be so helpful for single eommas!" Wooyoung said, his expression softening as he said the last sentence to me.

I gave a small smile in return, trying to push back a sudden rise of emotions overwhelming my heart and moistening my eyes.

"So, will you be there for the meeting? It's about to start in fifteen minutes. Hell, I should be in the meeting room already to greet the clients." Wooyoung chuckled before expectantly waiting for my answer.

"Well...I guess sparing a few moments of my precious time for this precious product won't be such a bad id-"

The last few words hadn't even properly left my mouth before Wooyoungie starts squealing and pulled me up to my feet to hug me.

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