Chapter 10: Kiss and Caps

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(Credits to the rightful owners.)

Wordcount: 3.6k

Jisung P.O.V

I often wondered what my life would have looked like if Mr. Lee hadn't taken a 12 year old me in his house after my father passed away. Perhaps I would be living in a poorly maintained orphanage, or a shady shelter near a broken down lard or perhaps I would be begging on the streets as a homeless little kid.

That thought used to scare me. Not the begging part precisely but the word "homeless".

How can the streets where the sky is the roof and the trees its pillars, be a home, a shelter to anyone?

But when I befriended some furry little creatures on the alley behind the school near the Yoons' Garage, I started to understand that for some, home wasn't a definitive constructed place. Home was where their loved ones were.

I used to visit my stray friends almost everyday after school till my graduation. And during those visits I would often come across him. Though he was already in college he still worked at the garage and so he could come to feed and play with the cats. Soonie, Doongie and Dori grew up well, and their eomma Moonie turned out to actually more mischievous just like he had said.

We would often sit together under the shade of the mango tree, watching the kitties play around. Sometimes, he would bring americano and cheesecake for both of us as we sat in silence, silence that was surprisingly comfortable. We talked sometimes as well, mostly about anime or something frivolous and random. Gradually I got attached to those short amounts of time I got to spend with him. But college was far away and eventually became too demanding of his time. So, he shifted to a condo near his college and had to quit his job at the garage. He would still come to visit the cats, but the visits were rare.

I was worried about who would feed my little friends once I went to college too. To my greatest relief Yuna Ajumma and her wife kindly promised me that they would take that responsibility once I couldn't come hang out with the whiskery munchkins regularly.

Speaking of college, I was quite excited but apprehensive at the same time. I had chosen film studies as my major, I wanted to pursue a career in script writing. And thankfully I had the marks to get in the Seoul University with the course of my desire and a good scholarship.

It was the same university where Channie hyung, Changbinnie hyung and he studied majoring in Music, Finance and Business Administration respectively.

School life was coming to an end. High School went by without much of the drama Felix always chattered about. Well, except for the occasional tiffs with Mona. She would randomly come to our table at the cafeteria, make some comment about my glasses, or my hair, or my waist and walk away when Felix and Hyunjin showered her with curses. Her words didn't affect me much anyway, probably because I already believed every nasty thing she said about me.

Devin had transferred to some place in London for High School, for reasons I couldn't care less to know about. I was only relieved that I won't have to see his conniving face in the corridors at school everyday.

The graduation day was nearing, and let's just say the ending of our school life was both unexpected and eventful.


"And then the kiss turned too heated for either of us to have any more control over ourselves. Things esclated fast and..."

"And? FELIX AND?" Hyunjin yelled, as his excited grip on my arm grew stronger.

Well, I too was holding his hand just as tightly as the three of us sat in a circle on the floor of mine and Felix's room.

The said freckled boy's face grew even redder than before as he said, "WE DID IT!" He squealed.

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