Chapter 13: Cold

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(Credits to the rightful owners.)

Wordcount: 8.1k

Jisung P.O.V.

*Flashback continues*

Morning broke, making the flowers of spring bloom as soft golden rays of the sun illuminating the whole sky seeped in through the glass doors of the balcony, brightening up every corner of the room as I squinted my eyes to open them slightly.

Groggily, I cuddled into his body...

Wait, why is his body cold instead of warm?

My eyes now fully opened wide as I sat upright on the bed, only to realise that I had been just cuddling with a pillow.

Was last night all a dream?

The horrifying thought left my mind as I saw strings of cum still left on the sheets under the comforter.

It was all real!

This made my smile, but my smile was temporary as I realised that the side of the bed next to me was empty. It was cold.

Where is he? Did he leave?

The thought scared me. It made my heart shiver.

I got out of the bed in an instant, feeling a mildy sharp pain shoot up from my back. God, I felt so sore! Nonetheless, I managed to stand up on my feet as I wrapped my naked body with the bathrobe I had kept last night under my pillow.

But wait-

The towel and the bathrobe he had thrown away on the floor, they were no longer to be seen.

Anxiousness started builting up in my mind, making my heart crumble. I shook off the bad thoughts that gathered in my champion of overthinking brain as I made my way outside to the balcony to find my glasses still safely lying on the railing. It was a miracle that it didn't fall of due to the night breeze at this height!

I put my glasses back on my face, my vision so much clearer than before as I walked upto the bathroom, inside of which I found my clothes from the party all dried up and warm, hanging from the rod near the basin. My gaze shifted to the mirror above the said basin, a smile resurfacing instantly on my face, as I noticed purple blue marks all over my neck and chest. I let my robe slip off my shoulder to bundle on the ground near my feet. And my smile only grew wider to see similar marks all over my tummy.

The marks Minho had left.

I traced my fingers through every one of those star like marks he had painted on my skin from my thighs, to my abdomen, then to my chest and neck and finally to my lips.

The lips that Minho had kissed.

An ecstatic laugh erupted from my throat. I felt like jumping and squealing and I did so, before I noticed a folded chit of paper attached to the side of the mirror. I took it in my hand, opening it to see the words written on it.

"Hannie, I have to go out for a couple of hours. I have booked the room for the entire day, so please wait for me till I come back. I need to tell you something, something that I have been meaning to say for a long time now. I called in room service to clean up the floor and hang your clothes in the bathroom. Also your breakfast must have reached by now. It should be on placed on the table near the radio. So, freshen up and make sure you eat. And I will be back before you know it.

P.s. You are still my Chipmunk ;)

-Yours Minho"

Yours Minho.

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