𝑪𝒂𝒇𝒆𝑪𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒆 (2)

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Miyeon P.O.V
I got in my car as I put my cake and my drinks in the car seats I think both of them will be fine since they are in the bag so no worries.Before I could drive off I look at Minnie one last time before I drive off

As I look at her looks like she's malfunctioning Hehe I giggle cute.Then I drove off And head home as I reach home I was met with an furious Person and it was my..Mom and Dad...

Cho Miyeon! My mom Yelled Where have u been?! And what are those you are holding in ur hands? She ask oh Well mum I bought an cake and a drink and I went to an cafe I said and look at my parents nervously.Oh I see as my mom replied

Well Then Next time tell us where were you going and remember no dating.Or anything because will always watching you my mom said strictly WHAT?! I yelled angrily at my mum

You hear what your mother said my dad said No Dating.Because we don't want u dating anybody who is poor we want you to date someone who is rich and high standard. And beside me and your mother will be the want deciding who you should date.

This is unbelievable.I said to my parents in an angry Tone .You can't control me!! I can date whoever I want too! I don't wanna date whoever you CHOOSE!

CHO MIYEON! my mom Yelled at me .YOU BRAT HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT US LIKE THAT.GO TO YOUR ROOM my mom said while yelling at me.

FINE I GO I said as I storm off to my room and slam the door Ugh! As tears will streaming down my face I hate it here.. I just wanna be free as I began to cry..

Minnie P.O.V
Oh my god w-whats wrong with me?! I never felt like this before.This feeling..I began to touch my cheeks and I began to rush to the bathroom to see myself in the mirror. As I arrive at the bathroom I look at myself in the mirror.And oh God I look so red like an tomato.

Tomato I whisper to myself I look like an Tomato haha I laugh but seriously I've never been this red before But I really hope to see that Miyeon girl tomorrow she look nice.I began to look at myself at the mirror and smile.

The Next Day

Miyeon P.O.V
Morning already? I said and look at the time 7:45 AM I began to Stretch And yawn as I began to stand up I remember about yesterday conversation with my parents.No dating? I said "We will be the want choosing for you who to date"

I began to hear some voices and Aish Enough I began to clear my mind and went to the bathroom and brush my teeth I can date whoever I want as I said it to myself.Wait is that cafe open yet?maybe I should go and see if is open yet.

Minnie P.O.V
Noo Already Morning? I said and yawn Well let's just get ready for work I got off from my bed and went to the bathroom to washed up After that I put on some simple clothes cause my uniform is not with me right now is in the cafe instead

I began to put on my socks and my shoes and I began to head off to work while I was walking to where the cafe is I saw an car a very beautiful car

Oh is that person waiting for the cafe to open? I began to walk to the car as I look at the car window it looks like it was Miyeon! As I look at her it looks like she's sleeping I began to knock on her window gently

Miyeon P.O.V
As I was sleeping I began to hear something knocking on my window as I woke up and look who was it and it was..Minnie! Oh Minnie suddenly I got up and open my car door.Hi there Minnie good morning I said and smile

Good morning to u to Miyeon! And hi! she said and smile but what are u doing here so early in the morning by the way? Oh about that well I decided to see you cutie and maybe eat some breakfast ohh I see and stop with the name cutie hehehe she said and laugh

Aww but the name is cute. But anyways Since will here early shall we eat breakfast together I said and look at minnie.Oh sure!! Minnie said happily c,mon let's go in but let me open the cafe first.

As the both of us got in the cafe Minnie began to turn on the light and settle some stuff do you need help Minnie? I ask oh no need Miyeon but thanks for the offer she said and smile

After Minnie finally setting up the cafe finally we can eat as I look at my watch it was 8:09 AM oky what would you like to eat Miyeon? Minnie ask and look at me.Hmm what do you have here? We have egg,sausage and bread with butter I can give u a full set Minnie said

Sure why not I take it there oh good choice Minnie said pls take a sit Miyeon Minnie said smiling I'm gonna go do ur breakfast it will be fast don't worry she said and went in the kitchen

Done! Oh that was fast I said and Minnie reply ya I told u it will be fast hehe here you go Miyeon Minnie said and gave me my food oh wow this is beautiful Minnie thank you Minnie I said and she smile no proplem Miyeon

Sit with me Minnie I said and Minnie nodded and sat with me so Minnie I said and began to eat my food how long have u been working here Minnie? I said oh I've been working here for 1 year she said

Oh why did u choose to work here Minnie? I ask ohh about that I choose to work here because is near to my house and also to help my parents Minnie said!

I've been working very hard lately haha she giggled But don't worry about me I'm still fine but what about u Miyeon? Suddenly I chocked on my food oh my god are you oky Miyeon?! Minnie ask worriedly as she stand up and grab me an water.

Oh yes I'm fine thank you Minnie! Oh uhh I'm working in an office! Sorry Minnie I gotta lie to u as I said it to myself oooo office what you do there?

Just do some paperwork and stuff ohh thats so cool Miyeon but wait Minnie aren't you eating anything I said and ask Minnie oh well I'm not really hungry yet Minnie reply

Ah I see well then thank you for the breakfast Minnie it was yummy I said and stand up oh no problem Miyeon! Minnie said happily well then Minnie I have to go now but before I go..

Mind if you give me your phone number Minnie..?

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