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Miyeon P.O.V
Ugh.Such an Awfull and an tired day I mumble I hate it here.Being an Angel is hard..Gotta train..And practice I'm just gonna go get some sleep

As I head to my dorm I decided to atleast take a bath since I'm dirty after taking a bath I'm now in my white Shirt with Black shorts.

I was now on my bed slowly.. Slowly getting sleepy As my eyes began to close and everything was dark.

Suddenly I'm now at a roof top w-what the hell what is this? Why am In a roof top and why am I in my old school uniform..My face suddenly turn pale

No.No.No why am I here again?! I- Before I could even say something I spotted a girl same uniform like me black hair with bangs..And holding a Book.

Which the book is tare Abit and burn.I notice that she was carrying an black bag and it seems like she is Injured.Her left hand seems broken or something.

Immediately I noticed who it was..Minnie..? I said in a scared tone and suddenly she said huh..? As her voice echoed.She turn back and look at
me suddenly her school outfits change to a different outfit

Which her eyes turn red..No..I said and tears will began to fall suddenly Minnie gasped when she look at me.

Miyeon..Your here.she said and she began to smile and talk to me in a creepy way.Hahah Looks like will here..The.. Rooftop..

Why are you scared Miyeon? Minnie said and kept looking at me as tears will still in my eyes.I felt like I couldn't talk or move.

For years you bullied me.Make fun of me and now your here.. Suddenly Minnie said and just kept looking at me as I remember what happened during school years.

You even.. Broke my hand.I hate you for ruining my life..Minnie said as her tears began to fall.You make my life a living hell.

I hate you Miyeon.Minnie said as her voice began to get louder..I HATE YOU MIYEON!

suddenly I woke up sweating and panting as I began to breathe in and out.Suddenly I got up from my bed and rushed to Minnie room

I arrived and Minnie room and I began to knock on her door as I knock her door I began to wait for her to open her door.It was taking some time and suddenly I hear the door knob twisted.

As Minnie open her door she was rubbing her eyes and wearing dark blue shirt.

Suddenly Minnie was shock to see me Immediately I saw her blushing O-Oh Miyeon Minnie said and blush.

I was also blushing I umm are you alright Minnie? I said and look at her ya I'm fine Miyeon what happened? I umm nothing just wanted to check on you.

Ohh I see well that's nice of you Miyeon! Minnie said and blush and smile Well then that's good to hear.. I just go now. Bye Minnie I blush and ran away.

Haha cute..Minnie said and close her door..

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